Exostar Mobile ID

Exostar’s Mobile ID service allows users to utilize a smartphone app for generating One Time Passwords to securely access certain applications hosted behind Exostar’s Managed Access Gateway (MAG).

Step 1. Purchase

Please note, when completing a purchase for Mobile ID, you have multiple options:

  • Exostar Mobile ID One Time Password (OTP) – With Proofing (1 Year)
  • Exostar Mobile ID One Time Password (OTP) – Without Proofing (1 Year)
  • Exostar Mobile ID plus Hardware One Time Passcode (OTP) Token – With Proofing (1 Year)
  • Exostar Mobile ID plus Hardware One Time Passcode (OTP) Token – Without Proofing (1 Year)
To complete an Exostar Mobile ID purchase:
1. Login to your MAG account. In the My 2FA Credentials section on the dashboard, click the Get 2FA button to open Exostar’s Web Store.
2. From the Partner drop down menu, select your Partner.
3. Select the radio button for the desired Mobile ID product. Click Next.
4. Review and complete any missing information in the Primary Information and Billing Address sections. Click Next.
5. Select your Payment Method and input payment details. Click Submit to complete your purchase.
NOTE: If you select the Invoice option, Exostar must receive full payment before you receive your license key to activate your credential.

On the purchase confirmation screen, you are provided the option to activate your license key directly from the web store. Otherwise, you can activate via your MAG account using the license key provided in the confirmation email.

Step 2. Activate

Once you successfully complete your purchase, you can activate your credential directly from the web store via the purchase confirmation screen or through your MAG account. 

To activate your license key in MAG:
1. Login to your MAG account. Locate the purchase confirmation email containing the license key.
2. In the My 2FA Credentials section on the dashboard, select the Enter it here link.
3. Input the license key. Click Submit.

At this point, if you require proofing, continue to Step 3. Complete Proofing below. You are prompted to complete the proofing process in MAG once you activate your credential. Otherwise, skip to Step 5. Register to complete the Mobile ID setup process.

Step 3. Complete Proofing

Once you activate your license key, you are prompted to select your proofing method:

  • Self-Service Mobile Proofing: If you are located in the United States, you can complete the self-service proofing process using your smartphone’s camera by providing your Social Security Number (SSN), driver’s license or passport.
  • Live Video Proofing: Users located outside of United States must schedule a live proofing session. US-based users may select live video proofing if they are unable to complete the Experian proofing. Please review the Identity Proofing Resource page for additional information prior to your proofing appointment.
To complete the Self-Service Mobile Proofing:
1. In the proofing application, after you provide your license key, select the desired proofing country. Click Next.
NOTE: Experian Self-service proofing is only available in the US. You will need a passport or a driver’s license to complete the process successfully.
2. On the Select identity proofing method screen, click the PROCEED WITH MOBILE PHONE button.
3. Confirm your Full Name. Click Next.
4. Review the proofing instructions. Click the START PROOFING button.
5. Review the Self-Service Proofing Terms and Conditions. Click the AGREE AND CONTINUE button.
6. Complete all required fields, including all nine digits of your Social Security Number, to verify your identity. Click Next.
NOTE: If your name is listed incorrectly, click the MY NAME IS INCORRECT button.
7. Enter your Mobile Number. Click Next.
NOTE: If further evidence is needed, you are prompted to answer Knowledge-Based Authentication (KBA) Questions. Once you complete the questions, click Next.
8. You receive a proofing link on your mobile phone. Open the link.
9. Click the Let’s get started button.
10. Capture a photo of the back and front sides of your ID. This is required.
11. Capture a photo of yourself. This is required.
NOTE: A confirmation page displays.
12. Once you successfully complete your instant proofing on your mobile phone, return to the proofing application.
13. Click on the ID PROOFING COMPLETED button in the proofing application.

IMPORTANT: Once you successfully complete your proofing, you must register your credential. Please see the steps outlined in the Step 5. Register Credential section below.
To complete the Live Video Proofing:
1. Review the information on the screen, verify your name and desired proofing country. Click Next.
2. Select Verify my identity by meeting with an agent later as the Proofing Service.
3. Click Schedule an Appointment. Review the information. Click Continue.
4. Select an appointment date and time from the calendar. Click Continue.
5. Enter required fields. Click Confirm.
NOTE: You will receive a confirmation email. Shortly before your proofing interview, you receive a WebEx invite via email. On your scheduled appointment date, an Exostar Proofing Agent will contact you.
6. Launch WebEx via the link provided in the email. Select your webcam for video, but do not connect to the audio. 
NOTE: There is limited time to complete troubleshooting during your appointment. Failure to appear for your scheduled appointment will require you to reschedule via your MAG account.
7. You must present approved identity documents and answer a series of yes or no questions to an Exostar Proofing Agent.

After a successful proofing, the agent provides an activation code, which is required to complete the credentialing process. Once your proofing is complete, the code cannot be retrieved by anyone, including Exostar Customer Support. The activation code expires 30 days from the issue date. If your activation code is lost or expired, it may result in additional cost to you or your company to repeat the identity verification process. If you fail the webcam proofing, the proofing agent provides further instructions.

Step 4. Activate and Register

Before you activate and register your credential, find the app AuthyTM in your mobile app store and install it on your smartphone. Make sure your phone is on and has a network connection. Tablets are supported as additional devices, HOWEVER the first device registered must be a cellular smartphone capable of receiving SMS messages or voice calls.

To activate and register your Mobile ID:
1. Log into your MAG account.
2. Navigate to the My Account tab and Manage OTP sub-tab.   
3. In the Introduction section, select the click here link next to Register. to redirect to the activation screens.
4. Fill out the required fields. Click Next and Activate
5. Enter the phone number (for the smartphone where Authy is installed). Click Register
6. On your smartphone, you will receive a message: Your account was added. Tap to get the code. Obtain your MAG Token ID, and enter it in the Token field in MAG. Click Verify.

Your Exostar Mobile ID is now active. Please note you can log in in two different ways. If during the OTP login you select to authenticate through a push notification, you will receive the message Approve to authenticate: select Approve. If you select to authenticate through a soft OTP, enter the OTP from Authy in the Soft OTP field in MAG.     
Updated on March 1, 2024
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