Certification Assistant Lite CMMC Self-Assessment

CMMC Dashboard

Once you select the CMMC option from the Compliance Plans section of the Certification Assistant Lite dashboard, you are redirected to the CMMC Dashboard.  The dashboard provides navigable tabs, a summary, as well as a progress towards certification table. Please see the sections below for detailed information on the dashboard’s components.

Tab Toolbar
The Tab Toolbar provides tabs to navigate through the system, to complete each section. The greyed-out buttons are features available in Certification Assistant Standard and Premium. Use the Upgrade links to view details about these versions.
Summary Bar
The Summary bar shows your current CMMC Level, Target CMMC Level, Self-Assessed CMMC Level and the number of controls in each level of implementation; Implemented, Partially Implemented, Not Implemented and Not Applicable.
Progress Towards Certification Table
The Progress Toward Certification gives a complete roadmap of the progress in each CMMC domain toward your goal certification level. 

Complete Self-Assessment

Use the tab toolbar to navigate through each section, beginning with System description. Please note, the greyed-out buttons are features available in Certification Assistant Standard and Premium. Use the Upgrade links to view details about these versions.

System Description
The System Description tab is used to start the information gathering required for a System Security Plan or SSP report. Lite access does not allow for generation of an SSP.  You must upgrade to Standard or Premium.
System Environment
The System Environment tab is for the detailed documentation of the system.  
The Policies tab is used as a repository for all policy documentation referred to in the controls.  You can add multiple files at the same time. You can add the link to Certification Assistant for files that are stored and available externally. Use the blue Open Exostar PolicyPro to access PolicyPro and your content.
Self Assessment
The Self-Assessment tab is where the CMMC Levels with Practices and Processes are held. Certification Assistant Lite is limited to Level 1, Standard adds Level 2, and Premium adds Level 3.
The Controls section on the CMMC Dashboard displays the 17 controls of CMMC Level 1 and are broken down into families. Each family is listed with a breakdown of the status of each control in that family. 
Control Details
Once you select a specific family of controls to view, each control family is broken into Practices and Processes. Level 1 does not contain Processes. All activity on the control displays in the Comments/Activity Log.  Once a comment is added, a document is uploaded, or a status is changed, it is part of the control history and cannot be edited. To further manage and action Control Details:
1. Click the desired Control Family to view all Controls within the family.
NOTEPractices display for Level 1, not Processes.
2. Choose a Control Status per control. 
NOTE: There are five control statuses:
– Implemented: The control has been met and fully documented.
Not Implemented: The control has not been met and there is no documentation available.
Partially Implemented: The control has not been met although some documentation has been provided.
Not Applicable: The control is not applicable to your organization.
Incomplete (Not Shown): This is the default status for a control that has not been addressed.
3. If necessary, select from the Tools drop down menu, located next to each control:
Comments: Add comments to document the control.
Additional Guidance: Information provided by the various regulatory bodies.
Action Item: Assign actions to members of your organization to be completed with the control.
Upload File: Upload documents to address the control. The documents may be policies, procedures, logs, etc. All documents should be saved as a PDF prior to uploading.
NOTE: All actions under the Tools menu display editable fields for you to manage the particular action. Once you make all desired selections for that action, click Save Changes.
The task list on the CMMC home page lists all open action items for the CMMC plan, not just the current user, as on the Dashboard. To manage the task:

1. Select the task to open the Task Details page.
2. Make desired changes and selections. Click Save.
NOTE: Once the task is closed, the referenced control is set to Implemented.
3. Select the Back to Home Page link to redirect back to the CMMC Dashboard.
Print options are available in the Controls header, to print all controls in the current level and all action items.
Updated on August 22, 2022
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