Certification Assistant Get Started

Access Requirements: For your own protection, and as an information safeguard, Certification Assistant is housed behind Exostar’s Managed Access Gateway (MAG) and requires a Phone-Based One-Time Password (OTP) without Proofing credential, once your free trial expires. 

Certification Assistant is automatically available from all MAG accounts with a 15-day free trial in the Standard tier. Once the free trial expires, you must complete a Lite, Standard or Premium purchase, as well as a credential purchase. Exostar offers Certification Assistant purchases via the web store, prior to registering for a MAG account. Please see the license key section below for instructions.

Already have a MAG account? If you already have a MAG account, simply select Launch from the Certification Assistant tile on the MAG Dashboard. If you are the first user in your organization to access the application, you are prompted to accept the Certification Assistant Terms and Conditions. Once accepted, you are enrolled in a two-week free Certification Assistant Standard trial and can access the application. 
For information on the specific tiers, please see the following pages: Lite, Standard or Premium. Watch our application access video below for step-by-step instructions.

Step 1. Register

In order to access Certification Assistant, you must first register your organization in MAG. Please note, you are designated as your company’s MAG Organization Administrator. For information on this role, please see the Admin Resources page.

To complete MAG account registration:
1. Navigate to https://ui.portal.exostar.com/iamui/onboarding/register.
2. Input your email address. Click Next.
3. Complete the Organization Information page. Click Next to submit the registration.
NOTE: A confirmation screen displays and you receive a confirmation email. After approval, users designated with Organization Administrator roles receive their account activation email.

Step 2. Activate

Once your organization registration is approved, you receive an email titled: Activate your Exostar Account, prompting you to complete the MAG account set-up process.

To activate your MAG account:
1. Click the Activate my Account link provided in the account activation email.
2. Create and confirm your permanent password. Click Next.
3. Set-up your security questions and answers. Click Next to redirect to the MAG dashboard.

Step 3. Access

Once you complete the account activation process, you are redirected to the MAG dashboard. Certification Assistant is available from the My Applications section. Exostar offers a free, 15-day Standard trial. 

To access the Certification Assistant application:
1. Locate the Certification Assistant tile under the My Applications section on the MAG dashboard. Click Launch.
2. If you are the first user to access the Certification Assistant application, accept the Certification Assistant Terms and Conditions.
NOTE: If you are not the first user within your organization to access Certification Assistant, your free, two-week Standard trial begins on the main Certification Assistant dashboard.

Step 4. Phone OTP

Once your 15-day free trial expires, you must complete a Phone-Based One Time Password (OTP) without Proofing credential. Please note, the following credentials are also acceptable:

To complete credential purchase, activation and registration:
1. Login to your Exostar MAG account at https://portal.exostar.com.
2. On your MAG Dashboard in the My 2FA Credentials blue toolbar, select the Get 2FA button to open Exostar’s Web Store.
3. Select Certification Assistant 2FA from the drop-down menu. Select the radio button for the desired product. Click Next.
4. Review your Primary Information and Billing Address, make any necessary edits. Click Next.
5. Select payment method and input payment information. Click Submit.
NOTE: Once you successfully place your order (with full payment), you can select to activate your license key from the confirmation screen or use the license key provided in the purchase confirmation email.  
6. From your MAG Dashboard, in the My 2FA Credentials section, under the Have a license key?, click Enter it Here.  
7. Enter your license key. Click Submit
8. On the Register Your Phone page, select Text Message or Voice Only, select your Country, and enter your phone number (do not include parenthesis, dashes, etc.). Click Continue.
9. Enter the code you receive on your phone into the Verification field provided on the screen.  Select Continue to complete the process.
From here, you can access Certification Assistant by clicking the Launch button. The system will then prompt for your OTP. 

Step 5. Upgrade

The option to upgrade to Certification Assistant Standard or Premium is available directly in the application. 

To upgrade Certification Assistant to the Standard or Premium tier:
1. Login to MAG using your Phone OTP credential and access the Certification Assistant Application.
2. Select Upgrade for the desired level, via the Certification Assistant dashboard, to redirect to Exostar’s web store
3. Complete the purchase process and submit your order.
We recommend you log out of the Certification Assistant application and log back in to access the upgraded version. You can also toggle back and forth between all activated plans via the drop down next to your user menu, in the upper, right corner.

Purchase License Key

Exostar offers Certification Assistant purchases via the web store, prior to registering for a MAG account. Please follow the steps below to complete your purchase. Ensure you review the Welcome Email in its entirety once you successfully complete a purchase.

To purchase and activate a Certification Assistant license key:
1. Navigate to Exostar’s web store. Select Exostar Certification Assistant from the drop-down menu.
2. Select the desired product. Click Next.    
3. Input your information in the fields provided. Click Next.
4. Select the desired Payment Method. Input payment information. Click Next to receive a purchase confirmation screen.
NOTE: Once you successfully complete your purchase, the system sends a Welcome Email, providing your license key, which is required for activation, as well as additional instructions on completing the process. To activate the license key, you MUST have your MAG account set-up.
5. Locate the Welcome Email and copy the License Key provided.
6. Login to your MAG account and access the Certification Assistant application. 
7. Select Product Activation from the user menu, located in the upper, right corner of the dashboard.
8. Enter your license key in the field provided. Click Continue to update your access.
A confirmation displays and you can access the updated purchase.
Updated on April 19, 2024
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