BSCP Shipments

A shipment in the Boeing Supply Chain Platform (BSCP), is a notification sent by the Supplier to Boeing. It provides details on how and when an order’s schedule lines are shipped. You can only include order line items marked Shipment Allowed = Yes. Shipments can cover multiple orders, but only if they have the same Ship to address, Warehouse, and Supplier Code. Please select from the links below to learn more about each shipment-related process.

Attachments: This article provides instructions on adding attachments to shipments in BSCP. This function is specific to BAA/BCW Suppliers only.

Create Shipments: This article provides instructions on creating new shipments, creating draft shipments, and using the shipment batch upload.

Shipment Update: This article provides instructions and information on updating shipments that have already been sent to Boeing.

Shipment Data Fields Details: This article provides instructions for users with the Supplier Admin role to set default values for shipment data, as well as a table with detailed explanations for the shipment data fields.

Locate Shipments: This article provides instructions on searching and locating single or multiple shipments, as well as viewing shipments from order details.

Print Shipping Labels: This article provides instructions on printing single shipping labels, as well as printing multiple labels.

Shipment Upload Reference: This link provides instructions on creating the shipment upload file, uploading the data, as well as troubleshooting upload errors, editing the data for re-upload, and cancelling a shipment.

Updated on April 17, 2023
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