BSCP Shipment Data Fields

Set Default Values

A user with a Supplier Admin role (SAdmin) can set default values for several of the shipment data fields. This pre-populates in the shipment, but a user can override. To set default values:

1. Go to Administration, Supplier Preferences.

2. Click the Search button to list your account.

3. Select the check box and enter values in the second row by scrolling to the right.

4. When finished, click Submit.

Data Field Details

Field Name (left to right on sheet)Type/Max Car Req’d/Opt’lValidationComments/Notes
Shipment NumberNo more than 10 characters– Cannot be more than 10 characters

– Cannot start with A followed by 9 numeric characters (i.e., A123456789)

– If Shipment Number already exists in BSCP (for Buyer/Supplier MPID-Shipment combination), then considered an update.

– If Shipment Number does not exist in BSCP, then considered as new.

– Shipment Numbers starting with the letter A will be uploaded, only if it matches an existing Shipment Number in the system, and this will be an update.

– If there is no matching Shipment Number in the system starting with A, then the upload will fail.
– Created by supplier, based on standard nomenclature designated by buyer.
– Boeing does allow special characters.
Buyer MPIDString/64
This is only available on the printed order and not in the BSCP user interface.Used to route the Shipment correctly.

NOTE: This field is case-sensitive.

This field is case-sensitive.
Supplier MPIDString/64
The Supplier MPID must exist in the system. See header level section of Purchase Order for MPID.Used to route the Shipment correctly.

NOTE: This field is case-sensitive.
Supplier CodeString/64 OptionalNo validation except field length limits.*XLS, Default, BDS:
Populate from Purchase Order regardless of value
Actual Ship DateDate
Date must be in the format: YYYY-MM-DD (e.g. 2016-06-15)This is a custom field, and the format should not be changed by the supplier.
Estimated Arrive DateDate
– Date must be in the format: YYYY-MM-DD (e.g. 2016-06-15).

– Must be today or later, and the same as or later than Estimated Departure Date.
This is a custom field, and the format should not be changed by the supplier.
Carrier CompanyString/64
Must select carrier code from pre-defined list.For list, refer to Valid Values tab in the Excel Upload Template
Mode of TransportationString/64 OptionalMust select from pre-defined list:
Road, Air, Sea, Rail
Tracking Number (Header)String/64 RequiredValidated using carrier regex format
Bill of LadingString/64 OptionalNo validation except field length limits.
Packing Slip NumberString/64

No validation except field length limits.
Shipment Payment MethodString/128
Must select from pre-defined list: Collect, Third Party, Pre-Paid
Must select from pre-defined list: Original, Replace, CancellationThe value provided for the LAST line on the Shipment (in upload file), becomes the value for the header-level Purpose field on that Shipment.
Total Shipment Weight UOMString/64
Must select from pre-defined list: Kilograms, PoundsValue defaults to Pounds in BSCP.
Total Shipment WeightString/64
– Must be greater than 0.

– Can include a maximum of 4 decimal places.

No validation except field length limits.
# of Handling Units (HU)Integer/10 RequiredMust be a positive integer.– Use the value as provided by the supplier.

– This value is used in X of Total Packages displayed on shipping label. It also determines the number of shipping labels that print – value of 3 means 3 copies of the shipping label print automatically.
Certificate of Conformance AgreementString/OptionalMust select from predefined list (Yes/No)Required of communication on PO
ASN Line IDString/64
If contains Alpha characters, it will fail validation when the Shipment is created.This is the Shipment Line Number.
Must select from pre-defined list: InsertorUpdate, Cancel
Buyer Part NumberString/64
– Default: Shipment upload will fail if Buyer Part Number does not match the referenced PO.

– Use value as provided by supplier with no failure.
Shipped QtyString/126
Must be greater than or equal to zero.On the shipping label, this is Qty Shipped. Value is sum of all the lines, not the total quantity shipped at the line level.
Must exactly match the UOM from the PO, or the Shipment upload will fail.
Manufacturing Batch NumberString/16
Cannot exceed 16 characters, or the Shipment upload will fail.Field is optional, but should be provided for shipments to BAA or BCW.
Order ReferenceString/64

No validation except total field length limit.
Order NumberString/64
Must exactly match the Order Number on an existing PO.– This field is case-sensitive.

XLS, Default: Use value as provided by Supplier with no failure.

BDS: Fail if Order Number does not exist in BSCP.
Boeing PO Line IDString/19
– Upload will fail if no matching line in the Order. Must exactly match the Boeing PO Line ID in the system.

– Use value as provided by supplier with no failure.
This field is case-sensitive.
PO Schedule IDString/19
– If left blank by supplier, system defaults to a value of 1.

– If populated, upload will fail if no matching schedule ID in the system.
Handling Unit #Optional
HU Tracking NumberOptional
HU Gross WeightOptional
HU Container TypeOptional
HU Container IDOptional
Container RFIDOptional
HU LengthOptional
HU WidthOptional
HU HeightOptional
HU Dimension UOMOptional
Manufacturing Company of OriginOptional
Serial Numbers – Separate by CommasString/4000
No validation except total field length limit. Not required to put commas between the values, but this will not give an error message during upload.Upload any string value up to 255 characters.
Asset Mgmt Tags – Separate by CommasString/4000
No validation except total field length limit. It is required to put commas between the values, but this will not give an error message during upload.Upload any string value up to 255 characters.
Kit NumberString/64

No validation except total field length limit.
Vin NumberString/64

No validation except total field length limit.
Call Off NumberString/128

No validation except total field length limit.
Line Station NumberString/128

No validation except total field length limit.
Receiver ReferenceString/64

No validation except total field length limit.
Updated on April 18, 2023
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