BSCP Shipment Attachments

Only suppliers with orders for Boeing Aerostructures Australia (BAA) or Boeing Canada Winnipeg (BCW) can send attachments to Boeing with BSCP. When the shipment notification is sent to Boeing, the attached files are also sent. Please note the following:
·       The file can be any format type, but the combined total size of the Shipment file, plus all attachment files, should not exceed 10MB.
·       You can attach multiple files, but you can only add one at a time.
·       Any user with access to a Shipment attachment in BSCP can open or save the file.
·       You can attach files to existing shipments in BSCP. The system recognizes the record was updated and sends the latest version of each attachment to Boeing.
·       Attachments are not included in the upload/download processes or printing from BSCP, however, integrated suppliers for Shipments can send files.
·       To replace an existing file, select the file you want to replace in the pop-up window, and use the Update button, instead of Add. The only way to remove an attachment is to delete the shipment with the file attached.

Add Attachment

To add an attachment to a shipment:

1. For header attachments, locate the Add/View Attachments link. For line-level attachments, there is an Attach column on the left. Click the paperclip icon at the header or line where you want to attach a file.

2. Click the Add button to add a new file, or select the row of an existing file, and click the Update button to update a file.

3. Drag and drop the desired file or click to choose the file from your local environment.

4. Once you select the file, click the Upload button.

In the Attachment window, the file is listed, and the file count increases by one. To add another file, repeat steps 1-6. When you click Send, or Update, for the shipment, the latest versions of each file attachment are sent to Boeing.

Replace Existing File

To replace an existing file:

1. Select the file you want to replace in the pop-up window.

2. Use the Update action button, instead of Add.

NOTE: The only way to remove an attachment is to delete the shipment with the file attached.

Updated on April 18, 2023
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