BSCP Order Details and History

View Order Details

On the Order Details screen, the top half of the page is referred to as the Header Section. The bottom half of the page contains the line items, and schedule lines for that order. Use the right-side and bottom scroll bars to view all of the data fields. Some key data fields:

  • Order Number: A unique ID for each order, often a link in BSCP to go to the Order Details
  • Line ID: A unique ID representing each line item of the order.
  • Schedule ID: A unique ID for each schedule line related back to a line item, each line item can have one or more schedule lines.
  • Change Order Sequence: Used to organize and reference the versions of changes to orders.
  • Order State: Provides a status, such as New or Accepted.
  • Requested Schedule Qty: The quantity expected by Boeing for that schedule line.
  • Schedule Date: The date the schedule line is expected by Boeing.
  • Date Qualifier: A descriptor to clarify the schedule date. (e.g., Delivery Requested or Requested Delivery Date is the schedule date when the material is required to be delivered at specified ship to location.)
  • Line Total: The total value of the line (in $ or specified currency).
  • Supplier Message: One entry per order becomes a required field if the order response on any line is Acknowledged with Exceptions.
  • Shipment Allowed: Indicates if that line item can be applied to a shipment created in BSCP.
  • E-Invoice: Indicates if that line item can be applied to an invoice created in BSCP.
  • Manufacturing Batch Number: If the flag is not displayed (i.e., ‘No’ or ‘-‘ or blank) refer to PO Notes referenced in a PO/POC or Contract for the requirement.

Rearrange or hide data fields by clicking the settings gear. You can access the activities associated with an order (i.e., what was shipped or invoiced), by the two tabs, Shipment Info and Invoice Info, that display behind the Order Details tab on the bottom half of the page.

The order details you see on the screen represent most of the order’s information, but not all data. To view all data sent by the Buyer for the order, click the Full Print button located in the middle of the screen.

View Order History

Most actions and changes made to an order are listed in the View History feature available on the Order Details page. It is possible to access the history from the View All History link at the header, or by selecting a single row at the bottom, and clicking the View History button. The history page displays:

  • Name and user role of the person or system that made a change to the order
  • Which field was modified and includes the old value and the new value
  • The modified data fields, or data fields added with the change, are also listed.

To Manage the History page:

1. Use the Change Field to filter results by a selected data field changed in a transaction.

2. Select Expand All, and click Refresh to open all of the transactions.

3. Download a copy of the history as a .txt file using the Export icon in the top right corner.

Updated on April 17, 2023
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