BSCP Locate Shipments

There are three options to locate a shipment in BSCP:
Search: Enter specific search criteria, such as Shipment Number or Order Number, and the search results are listed at the order line level.
My Workspace: The counts for Shipments are at the shipment line level, but the results on the list page from My Workspace are one row per shipment. Click into the shipment details to see all of the shipment lines.
Summary: The counts for Shipments from the Summary page are at the shipment line level, and the results on the list page are also at the shipment line level.

Locate Single Shipment

To locate a single shipment:

1. Navigate to Order ManagementShipment, Search.

2. Enter your search criteria. Click Search.

  • Be sure to use asterisks for searching (*123*).
  • Search by Shipment Number, Order Number, Part Number, etc.
  • Use a comma with no spaces between multiple entries as an or statement. For example, Buyer Part Number = *3*,*5* will show all shipments with a 3 or a 5 in the part number.

3. Once the search results display on the Shipment List page, click the Shipment Number link to open a shipment and view the details.

Locate Multiple Shipments

To locate multiple shipments:

1. Navigate to Order Management, Shipment, Search.

2. Enter your search criteria. Click Search.

NOTE: The example below shows a few ways to locate sets of shipments with advanced search techniques:

    • A date range of when the shipments were created, or all shipments expected to arrive today.
    • Part of the packing slip numbers for multiple shipments.
    • All Sent shipments for a specific part number.
Updated on April 18, 2023
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