BSCP Invoices

An invoice is sent by the Supplier to the Buyer and references an order within BSCP. Each invoice line represents one order schedule line. Invoices cannot include schedule lines from multiple orders. Only order line items marked e-Invoice = Yes on the order in BSCP, can be included on an invoice. An invoice cannot cover multiple orders.

Create Invoice

In order to create an invoice, you must first locate an order ready to invoice. There are two ways to locate an order.

Method 1

To locate an order ready to invoice:
1. Select Order Management from the menu. Select Search from the Discrete Orders section.
2. Enter search criteria. Click Search.
3. On the Order List page, click the Order Number link to go to the order.
4. On the Order Details page, scroll down and select the Invoice Info tab. You should see a message: No Invoice Line Item(s) found. Go back to the Order Details tab.

Method 2

To locate an order ready to invoice:
1. Select Order Management from the menu. Select Create Invoice from the Invoice section.
2. Enter the Order Number. Click Search.
NOTE: Use the Create Invoice workflow if you need to select order lines across multiple pages.

Create Invoice

Once you successfully locate the desired order, complete the steps below.

To create an invoice:
1. Select checkboxes for order schedule lines you want invoiced. Click Next.
NOTE: Information from the order is pulled across to the invoice to save double keying of data.
2. Enter invoice details (red asterisk = required fields):
Required data fields:
Invoice Number: Defaults to blank, must be alphanumeric value up to 64 characters. Boeing systems only accept a maximum of 22 characters (no special characters allowed). ISC accepts a maximum of 16 characters.
Invoice Type: Defaults to Debit, but can be set to Credit.
Quantity: Defaults to the quantity left to be invoiced, the system allows invoicing for more than the amount left to be invoiced, but it provides a warning when that is the case. Never use a decimal in the quantity field. This causes rejection. Most non-deliverable lines are set up with a unit price of 1 or .01. Then the actual value is listed in the quantity field. In either case a whole number must be used in the quantity field of the invoice.
Supplier Invoice Date: Required by Boeing; use a YYYY-MM-DD format. Back dated invoices are rejected. Never try to reuse an invoice number. If the supplier wants to use the invoice number again due to previous errors, they need to use a suffix such as “A” or “-1”, etc.
Optional data fields:
Buyer Contact: Pre-populates from the purchase order, but you can edit.
Supplier Contact: Pre-populates from the purchase order, but you can edit.
Supplier Message: Optional; the message can be up to 255 characters. For supplier internal use only – Boeing systems cannot accept messages for invoices.
Taxes: See Add Taxes section below.
3. Click the Send Invoice button.

Create Draft Invoice

If you need to hold onto an invoice as a draft until you are ready to send it to Boeing, click the Save Draft button during the invoice creation process (instead of the Send Invoice button). You cannot print the invoice from the draft version. You must send the invoice to print it.

To create a draft invoice:
1. Go to the Draft Search workflow.
2. Enter search criteria. Click Search.
3. Click the Invoice Number link on the list page to open and edit.
4. Complete data fields. Click Send Invoice.

Add Taxes

To add taxes to your invoice:
1. Navigate to the Create Invoice workflow. Scroll down and expand the Tax applied to all checked line items section.
2. In the tax section, enter the relevant details, including Tax Percent or Tax Amount.
3. Select the invoice lines in the bottom section you want to assign taxes. Click Add Tax.
NOTE: The taxes apply to the selected lines. You can apply multiple taxes to a single line.
4. Click Recalculate before you send the invoice.
5. In the Line Items (bottom) section, check the information is correct, and update as necessary. If you change the invoice quantity, click Recalculate to show the amended value of the invoice.
6. When finished, click Send Invoice.

Set Default Values

A user with a Supplier Admin role (SAdmin), can set up the default values for several of the invoice data fields. This pre-populates in the invoice, but a user can override.

To set default values for invoice data fields:
1. Select Administration from the menu. Select Supplier Preferences.
2. On the Search screen, click the Search button to list your account on the next screen.
3. Select the check box and enter values in the second row by scrolling to the right. When finished, click Submit.

Locate and Print

To locate and print an existing invoice:
1. Select Order Management from the menu. Select Search from the Invoices section.
2. Enter your search criteria (i.e. Invoice Number or Order Number). Click Search.
NOTE: Be sure to use asterisks for searching (*123*). Using a comma with no spaces between multiple entries, is an or statement. For example, Invoice Number = *3*, *5* will show all invoices with a 3 or a 5 in the invoice number.
3. On the Invoice List page, click the Invoice Number to display the Invoice Details page.
4. Click the Print Invoice button.

View Details

On the Order Details page, the Order Details tab shows the Invoiced Qty for each schedule line. The quantity increases with each invoice created for that schedule line. If a credit invoice is created, it is deducted from the quantity. If an invoice line is purged out of BSCP, Invoiced Qty is not affected.

The Invoice Info tab shows the invoices created against that order. By scrolling to the right, you can see high level information from the invoice. Click the Invoice Number link to open the selected invoice in a separate window.

Download Invoice Data

To download invoice data directly from BSCP, you must first locate the desired invoice via the Order Management workflow.

To download data:
1. From the list page, click the Download Invoice button to download data across all pages.
NOTE: The system automatically begins the download process. The Status changes from Queued, to In Progress, to Completed.
2. Click the File Name to open and save the file.
NOTE: Since the data was downloaded from the Internet, you might need to click the Enable Editing button at the top of the Excel sheet before you can edit the Excel data. You can modify the layout of the download file, such as data fields to include, and in what order.

Upload Invoice Data

In BSCP, it is possible to upload invoice data from an Excel file. You must first download an example of the file format.

To upload data:
1. From the menu, select Upload/Download, from the Downloads section, select Invoice from the Order Management section
2. Enter search criteria for data to download. Click Search to Download.
3. Ensure Invoice Download displays for the Document Type, as this provides the format needed to create a successful upload. Click Next.
4. Once the Status is Completed, the page auto-refreshes with the update. Select the File Name to open and save.
NOTE: You may need to click the Enable Editing button in Excel to begin working in the document.
5. Remove all downloaded sample data from the file. Enter new invoice data to upload.
6. In BSCP, navigate to the Upload Invoice workflow.
7. Drag and drop the desired file, alternatively, click the Or select file button. Navigate to the Excel sheet you created and select the file. Click Next.
A job status automatically displays and the status updates to Completed when the file is successfully uploaded.
NOTE: If the status changes to Completed with Errors, select the error to view the specific error to fix.
Updated on April 17, 2023
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