BSCP General Navigation

Consistent Navigational Features

When you first access the BSCP application, the following displays:

  • User Access Menu: Located in the upper, right-hand corner; includes your username and role, Contact Support link, About link, and a logout function.
  • Navigation Menu: Located in the upper, left-hand corner, used to navigate around the various workflows and sections of BSCP. Select the drop-down arrow to view full menu.
  • Add to Favorites: Allows you to bookmark pages in the BSCP application.
  • Page Display: The main work area in BSCP.


Use Summary pages to locate documents based on search criteria, and the search results display as a number of results per document status:

  • Discrete Orders: The count on the Summary page and Header tab is per order, and the results on the list page are per order (from the Schedule tab, it is per schedule line).
  • Shipments: The count on the Summary page is per shipment, and the results on the list page are per shipment.
  • Invoices: The count on the Summary page is per invoice line, and the results on the list page are per invoice line.

For orders, the Summary page is very useful because the search results are at the document (order) level, and therefore, you can respond to the order at the document level.

As an example of using the Summary page:
1. Select Order Management from the menu. Under the Discrete Order section, select Search.
2. Enter search criteria. Click Search.

A list page of orders displays (from the Order Summary page ONLY. The search results on the list page display one row per order, instead of one row per PO schedule line). On the list page, it is possible to respond to multiple orders at once by selecting the rows and using the action buttons at the bottom of the page.

Use the search function to search for all document types when you have specific search criteria, such as a document number, an account name, date range, etc.

To use the search function:
1. Select to search for a document type from the menu under the desired document type.
2. Enter search criteria. Click Search.

Search Tips:
– Use an asterisk on either side or both sides of your data to represent wildcard searching. This means where the asterisk is placed any number of characters or spaces will be represented.
– Use a comma with no spaces when searching for multiple numbers that contain the same sequence of numbers. Example: Searching an Order Number with *334*, *335* will return results for all orders with a 334 OR a 335 somewhere in the Order Number.
– It is useful to search by date range, but you must follow a YYYY-MM-DD format. It is easier to click in the date field, and then click on the date you want to select from the calendar.
– Hold down the Control key to select more than one line of data.

Save Search Criteria

For search criteria you use on a regular basis (e.g., a buyer account or a set of part numbers), it is helpful to save those search parameters for future use. You can add to or modify the saved search criteria at any time. It is also possible to use the saved criteria for downloading and it can be applied to My Workspace to filter transaction counts.

To save search criteria:
1. Enter search criteria on any Search page. Click Save Search.
2. Enter a name. Click Save.
3. When completing a search, select the Search Name from the drop-down list and the screen will refresh to show your saved search criteria. Enter any additional search criteria. Click Search.
NOTE: Select the editor icon next to the Saved Searches drop-down menu to set a saved search to default on that search page.

My Workspace Page

Navigate to the My Workspace page from the menu. Use the My Workspace page to filter documents by status:

  • Order Summary: The counts and results on the list page are at the schedule line level.
  • Shipment Summary: The counts are at the shipment line level, but note the results on the list page are at the shipment level.
  • Invoice Summary: The counts and results on the list page are at the invoice line level.

The My Workspace page does not refresh automatically. To update this page, use the Refresh icon, located in the top right corner of the screen.

Customize Your View

You can customize many BSCP screens to only display information useful to you. Any user can make customizations at any time, and the changes will only be visible to that user. You can set your customization changes as a default (stays in place even if you logout), or as a temporary update (only in place for a particular login session).

List Page

A list page contains the results from a search or can be viewed by clicking on the filters on the My Workspace page. Each row is an individual search result, such as schedule lines from an order.

To customize your view on a list page:
1. Navigate to any list page (i.e. from the Order, then Summary page).
2. In the top right corner, click the Settings icon. Select Open Table Editor.
3. Use left or right arrows to select items to view on the list page.
NOTE: The Available Columns section should contain any data fields you do NOT want to display on the list page.
4. Use up or down arrows to determine the layout on the screen (top of list shows as the first column).
5. Use the Freeze icon to add to your list of fixed fields.
6. Click Save and Close.
NOTE: It is possible to change your choices, simply repeat this process as required.

Details Page

To customize your view on a details page:
1. Go to the details page for an Order Management document (Discrete Order, Shipment, or Invoice).
2. In the top right corner, click the Settings icon.
3. Use left or right arrows to select items to view on the details page.
NOTE: The Available Columns section should contain any data fields you do NOT want to display on that page.
4. Use up or down arrows to determine the layout on the screen (top of list shows as the first column).
5. To save the changes for all future logins, click Save as Default. To save the changes only for this login session, click Update.
NOTE: It is possible to change your choices, simply repeat this process as required.

My Workspaces Page

My Workspace provides a snapshot of your SCP data. The following sections provide customization and management options.


To hide or show sections of the My Workspace page:
1. Go to My Workspace. In top right corner, click the Edit icon.
2. Select checkboxes for items you want shown. Scroll down, click Save.
NOTE: Each section has an ellipses option. This provides a menu for that specific section.


To filter data shown on the My Workspace page:
1. Click the ellipses icon for any section. Select the Filter option.
2. Select the edit icon next to the desired sub-type.
NOTE: If there are existing filters, the edit icon also has a drop-down option to create a new filter, update an existing filter, or delete an existing filter.
3. Enter desired filter information. Name the filter. Click Save.

Update Email Alert Subscriptions

BSCP has several default email alerts already in place. For example, the system will notify you when you have new or changed orders or if you have overdue order responses.

Frequent users of BSCP may want to turn off some but not all email alerts, such as cancelled order notifications.

They system sends the email alerts to the email address associated with your user account in Managed Access Gateway (MAG) and BSCP. Each BSCP user can modify the email subscriptions.

If you have multiple user roles (for example, an administrator role and a user role), then you need to modify them individually.

Alert NameDescriptionFrequency/Timing
New/Updated Discrete OrdersNew and updated Discrete Orders are loaded into BSCPhourly at the half hour (i.e., 12:30)
Missing Discrete Order ResponsesNew/updated Discrete Orders have no Supplier response for >5 daysonce a day (00:00:00 UTC)
Cancelled Discrete OrdersCancelled Discrete Orders are loaded into BSCPhourly at the half hour (i.e., 12:30)
Rejected InvoiceRejected Invoices are loaded into BSCPonce a day (00:00:00 UTC)
New/Updated Long Term ForecastNew and updated Forecasts are loaded into SCPonce a day (00:00:00 UTC)
New/Updated ForecastNew and updated Long Term Forecasts are loaded into SCPonce a day (00:00:00 UTC)
To update your email alert subscriptions:
1. From the menu, select My Profile, Email Alert Subscriptions.
2. On the Setup to Receive Email Alerts tab, use the Subscribe toggle to select or de-select email alerts.
NOTE: Use the edit icon to further manage each alert.
Updated on April 17, 2023
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