BSCP Create Shipments

A shipment in BSCP is a notification sent by the Supplier to Boeing. It provides details on how and when an order’s schedule lines are shipped. You can also use it to print shipping labels. You can only include order line items marked Shipment Allowed = Yes on the order in BSCP on a shipment. Shipments can cover multiple orders, but only if they have the same Ship to address, Warehouse, and Supplier Code.

IMPORTANT! You are able to update/change any fields that were editable during the shipment creation process. Once you make desired changes, you can then resend the shipment to Boeing.

Create Shipment

To create a shipment:

1. Locate the desired order via Order Management, Discrete Orders, Search.

2. Enter search criteria. Click Search.

3. On the results page, select the checkboxes for the desired order schedule lines. Click Create Shipment.

4. Enter shipment details (red asterisk = required fields):

  • Required Fields:
    • Carrier Company: Use the drop-down list. Enter the first two letters of the carrier’s name to go directly to that section of the list or enter the first letter multiple times to scroll down that section of the list.
    • Packing Slip Number: Maximum of 64 characters. ERPLN use a maximum of 30 characters and BDS max is 40.
    • # of Handling Units (HU): The value entered for this field is also used as the number of copies for printing shipping labels.
    • Actual Ship Date: Defaults to the current date (but you can change), must use YYYY-MM-DD format.
    • Estimated Arrive Date: This date is determined by the Actual Ship Date + Shipping Days. If the Estimated Arrive Date is edited manually, the shipping days will update accordingly. Estimated Arrive Date must be the same, or later than the Actual Ship Date. You must use a YYYY-MM-DD format. Dates are based on UTC/GMT time zone, so they may show tomorrow’s date.
    • Total Shipment Weight: Defaults to zero, but you can edit.
    • Purpose: Defaults to the value of Original, but you can also select Replace or Cancellation.
    • Buyer Company: Pre-populates from the purchase order.
    • Mode of Transportation: Defaults to what is listed on the PO, but you can change to Road, Air, Sea, or Rail.
    • Bill Lading: Bill of lading number for the shipment, alphanumeric value up to 64 characters.
    • RFID: Up to 64 characters.
    • Shipping Days: BSCP uses the number of shipping days to populate the Estimated Arrive Date. This defaults to zero, but an administrator can set to another default value. If the shipping days are edited, the arrival date will update accordingly.
    • Total Shipment UOM: Defaults to Pounds but can change to Kilograms.
    • Shipment Payment Method: Pre-populates from the purchase order but can change from a selection list.
    • Certificate of Conformance Agreement: Defaults to ‘blank’ but selecting ‘Yes’ requires agreement to the CoC text.

5. Enter Shipment Details in the Shipment Lines section:

  • Shipped Qty: Defaults to ‘zero’ but you can enter the quantity shipped for that line.
  • Manufacturing Batch Number: Required for direct materials shipments for Boeing Aerostructures Australia (BAA), and Boeing Canada Winnipeg (BCW) suppliers only. Max of 16 characters allowed.

6. Once completed, click Send Shipment.

The shipment information is automatically sent to Boeing. To save and send later, click Save Draft, instead of Send Shipment.

Create Draft Shipment

If you need to hold onto a shipment as a draft until you are ready to send to Boeing, click the Save Draft button when you are creating the shipment, instead of the Send Shipment button. 

IMPORTANT: If an ASN, which has been saved as a draft, is not sent within 100 days, that ASN is removed from saved drafts. Also, you cannot create shipping labels for draft shipments. To print a label, you must complete the shipment details, and click the Send Shipment button.

To complete and send the shipment:

1. Go to the Draft Search workflow.

2. Enter search criteria. Click Search.

3. Click the Shipment Number link on the list page to open the draft.

4. On the Shipment Details page, fill in data, and click Send Shipment. 

NOTE: Draft versions of shipments are not visible by users with other roles. If a draft is created by a user with a Shipper role, someone using an Admin or User role cannot view the draft until the shipment is moved out of draft status.

Shipment Upload

A supplier can create multiple shipments at one time by manually uploading them through the BSCP user interface. You need to enter the shipment data into an Excel file, using a standardized template, to organize the data contents. As you generate the shipments in BSCP, the system refers to the corresponding orders and pulls in key data from the orders to include on the uploaded shipments. Once uploaded, you can view, edit, and print the shipments in BSCP.

IMPORTANT: The data and columns must follow a specific format. Please see the Data Fields Details page for specific information regarding completing the template.

1. Create Excel upload file.

NOTE: Excel file must be saved with the File Type, Excel 97-2003 Workbook (*.xls)

2. Navigate to Upload/Download, Uploads, Shipment.

3. Drag and drop desired file or click to add file from your local environment. Once the file is added, click Next.

Once the upload is complete, the Status automatically refreshes to Complete. When shipments have successfully loaded into BSCP, their status is automatically set to Sent, and the shipments are sent to Boeing’s system in batches (every ten minutes).

Troubleshoot Upload Errors

If there is an issue with the upload file, a red Error File message displays next to the Completed status. For any Shipments with an upload issue, none of the lines associated with that Shipment will be uploaded.

Typical Upload Issues:

  • File is wrong version of Excel (must have a file extension of xls).
  • The Ship To Address and the Account Code for all lines in a single Shipment must be the same (as provided on their corresponding Orders).
  • Total Shipment Weight must be filled in.
  • Estimated Arrive Date must be today or later and have the correct date format.

Review the Error Messages:

  • The status of recent upload and download jobs are available under the Inbox Status workflow from the left Navigation Tree.
  • For any upload status row with an error message, click the Error File
  • The error message displays in a separate window.
  • For each error message, the Shipment Number, and the Excel row number from the upload spreadsheet display.
  • If one row of the data has multiple errors, multiple error messages display. However, if the error is related to an invalid MPID, Shipment Number, or Order Number, the system stops validating errors on that set of data.
  • In the following circumstances, the entire upload file will not be uploaded, invalid buyer or supplier MPIDs, wrong Excel version or more than 500 lines of data. In all other instances, the valid shipments in the file will upload.

Updated on July 15, 2024
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