Boeing 787 SCMP View Planning Schedules

To view a planning schedule via search:

1. On the left Navigation Tree, go to Supply Planning → Search.

2. Enter your search criteria. Click the Search button.

3. Optionally, use the Data Existence Filter to only return search results for items with data in the quantity fields you select and for the date ranges you set. 

  • Select one or more fields to search (NOTE: Hold down the control key to select more than one at a time).
  • Enter a From and To date range, then continue with your search.

4. From the list of items that match your search criteria, select the checkboxes for the items you want to view. Click the View button.

Collaborations display on the MCV page.

View Discrete or Blanket PO from Schedule

To view a Discrete or Blanket Order from the Planning Schedule:

On the MCV page, click the Remaining Discrete PO Qty, Est. Remaining Blanket PO Qty data measure, or a corresponding PIT, to view an associated PO without navigating off the MCV page.

View Reverse Logistics PO from Schedule

To view a Reverse Logistics PO from the Planning Schedule:

On the MCV page, click the Reverse Logistics PO Replacement Qty data measure, or a corresponding PIT to view an associated Reverse Logistics PO without navigating off the MCV page.

Updated on August 12, 2022
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