Boeing 787 SCMP Training Resources

User Guides

User Guide NameDescription
Boeing 787 SCMP Solution Overview GuideThis guides provides general information regarding the 787 SCMP application, as well as important role information.
Boeing 787 SCMP General Navigation GuideThis guide provides information and instructions on general navigation in the application.
Boeing 787 SCMP Inventory GuideThis guide provides information and instructions specific to the inventory function in the application.
Boeing 787 SCMP MCV GuideThis guide provides information and instructions specific to the MCV function in the application.
Boeing 787 SCMP Planning Schedules GuideThis guide provides information and instructions specific to the planning schedule function in the application.
Boeing 787 SCMP Problem Summary GuideThis guide provides information and instructions specific to the problem summary function in the application.
Boeing 787 SCMP Purchase Orders GuideThis guide provides information and instructions specific to the purchase order function in the application.
Boeing 787 SCMP Receipts GuideThis guide provides information and instructions specific to the receipts function in the application.
Boeing 787 SCMP Reports GuideThis guide provides information and instructions specific to the reports function in the application.
Boeing 787 SCMP Shipments GuideThis guide provides information and instructions specific to the shipments function in the application.


Template NameDescription
Receipt Upload TemplateTemplate used to upload receipts into the application.
Master Data Upload TemplateTemplate used to upload Master Data into the application.

Boeing 787 SCMP FAQs

Links to most Frequently Asked Questions about the SCMP application:

B2B FAQs: These FAQs provide information on the B2B Client email alert configuration, TTL and Zip File Extensions. 

Download/Upload FAQs: These FAQs provide information on the download and upload processes in Boeing 787 SCMP.

General FAQs: These FAQs provide general application information on managing email alerts and data history, navigating the search feature, troubleshooting and support information, as well as customization information in the Boeing 787 SCMP system.

MAG FAQs: These FAQs provide MAG information as it relates to the Boeing 787 SCMP system.

MCV Page FAQs: These FAQs provide information on managing the Multi-Collab View pages in the system.

Planning Schedules FAQs: These FAQs provide information on managing and navigating planning schedules.

Purchase Order FAQs: These FAQs provide information on managing purchase orders in the system.

Shipment FAQs: These FAQs provide information specific to managing shipments.

Updated on August 2, 2023
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