Boeing 787 SCMP Roles

A user is associated with either Boeing, a Consuming Partner, or a Providing Partner, whereas a role is the name of a well-defined group of privileges. The role or roles assigned to a user defines what data they can and cannot see, as well as what tasks they can perform.

Change Role

If a user has more than one role, they can change roles without logging out of the system, by selecting the desired role from the user drop-down menu, located in the upper, right corner of the screen.

Boeing User Roles

Role NameDescriptionPrivileges
Boeing Site 1: LN Puget Sound
Boeing Site 2: Puget Sound
Boeing Buyer· View BPO/PO (Full)
· View Reverse Logistics PO (Full)
· View Planning Schedule of Consuming Partners
· View/Load/Update Planning Schedule
· View Shipment
· View Receipt
· View Inventory Status
· View/Create/Load/Update Inventory Min/Max Quantities
· View/Complete a Return Shipment Manifest (Where Boeing is the Receiver)
· View Exceptions via My Workspace Dashboard
· View Reports
· Download All Document Types
Upload Receipts
ERPLN_Super_BuyerBoeing Super BuyerSame as Boeing Buyer role except:
· Can view data from all sites
· Upload Current Inventory Status
· Ability to cancel a Shipment in the “Actual Sent” status created due to Supplier errors

Consuming Partner User Roles

Role NameDescriptionPrivileges
MPID_<Ship_To_Site_Name>_brPurchasing Manager
(Consuming Partner)
· View BPO/PO (Masked)
· View Reverse Logistics PO (Masked)
· View/Create/Load/Update Planning Schedule
· View Shipment (Masked)
· View/Create/Update Receipts
· View/Create/Load/Update Inventory Status
· View/Complete a Return Shipment Manifest
· View Exceptions via My Workspace Dashboard
· View Partner Reports
Upload Good Receipts (Using a Template)
MPID_<Ship_To_Site_Name>_rcReceiving Role
(Receiving Clerk)
Same as Consuming Partner role except:
· Only View for Planning Schedule
· Only View for Inventory Status
· Only View for Return Shipment Manifest
· Cannot View Reports

Providing Partner User Roles

Role NameDescriptionPrivileges
MPID_srShipping Manager
(Providing Partner)
· View BPO/PO (Full)
· View Reverse Logistics PO (Full)
· View/Accept/Reject PO
· View/Acknowledge with Exception PO
· View/Respond to/Update Planning Schedule
· View/Create/Update Shipment
· View/Create/Update Master Data Upload (Document Type Associate Supplier Codes)
· View Receipt
· View Inventory Status
· View/Create/Update Return Shipment Manifest
· View Exceptions via My Workspace Dashboard
· View Partner Reports
· Download All Document Types
MPID_Shipment_srShipping Role
(Shipping Clerk)
Same as Shipping Manager role except:
· View BPO/PO (Masked)
· View Reverse Logistics PO (Masked)
· Cannot Accept/Reject PO
· Cannot Acknowledge with Exception PO
· Cannot respond to/update Planning Schedule
· Cannot View Reports
Updated on July 17, 2023
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