Boeing 787 SCMP Reverse Logistics Purchase Orders


To view a reverse logistics purchase order:
1. On the Navigation Tree, go to My Workspace or Order ManagementReverse Logistics POSummary.
2. In the Order Summary window, choose Reverse Logistics PO from the pull down menu.
3. For the desired Category or state of the PO, click the Total number.
4. From the results list, click the Purchase Order number you want to view in more detail.
NOTE: Optional but recommended, scroll over and under Line Level References, click the View link to see your list of reference codes.
This applies to any item in the Order Line that has blue text, rather than black text.


To act on a reverse logistics purchase order:
1. On the left Navigation Tree, go to My Workspace or Order ManagementReverse Logistics POSummary.
2. In the Order Summary window, from the pull down menu choose Reverse Logistics PO.
3. For NewNew Change or Processing category, click the Total number.
4. From the results list, click the PO Number you want to view in more detail.
5. Take one of the following actions:
– Click the Accept PO button to accept the PO.
– Click the Reject PO button to reject the PO.
NOTES: Before you Reject a PO, contact Boeing to explain why.
– Click the Complete PO button to finalize the PO.
– Click the Acknowledge with Exceptions button to capture only header level changes.
– Click the Supplier Modify button to capture only the line level changes. There is no button for capturing both header level and line level changes. Before you choose either option, contact Boeing to explain why.
– Click the Acknowledge with Exceptions button to accept the PO with noted exceptions.

6. Optional but recommended, in the header next to Supplier Message, click Create. In the Notes window, provide a message regarding changes and click OK.
7. Optional but recommended, in the line under Line Message, click Create. Provide a message regarding changes and click OK.
8. Click the checkboxes to select the changed Line IDs.
9. Click the Supplier Modify button to accept the PO with noted exceptions.


Order lines which have a final receipt posted in the Boeing ERP-LN system are automatically uploaded to SCMP by 10:00 AM UTC daily.

  • Closed order lines are automatically transitioned to a Closed state.
  • For orders marked as closed, no action is required by the supplier in SCMP.
  • A Providing Partner cannot create shipments for order lines in the Completed state. If you need to ship a closed order line, contact Boeing to request a PO change.


To complete a reverse logistics purchase order:
1. On the Navigation Tree, go to My Workspace or Order ManagementReverse Logistics POSummary.
2. In the Order Summary window, from the pull down menu choose Reverse Logistics PO.
3. For the Accepted Category, click the Total number.
NOTE: Only an Accepted or Acknowledged with Exceptions PO can be moved into the Completed category.
4. From the results list, click the PO Number you want to view in more detail.
5. Click the Complete PO button to finalize the entire PO, or click the Complete PO Line button to finalize a selected line item.
– It is possible to complete multiple reverse logistics POs at one time from the PO List page.
– All of the lines that are displayed on the Header or Line list page must be in a ProcessingAccepted or Acknowledged with Exceptions state.
– Header-level Complete action is available on the PO List page, when it is accessed from the Order Search and Order Summary workflows.
– Line-level Complete action is available on the List page, when accessed from the Line Search workflow.
Updated on August 23, 2022
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