Boeing 787 SCMP Receipts

In the Boeing PMI supply chain, Consuming Partners receive parts shipped from Providing Partners. This includes positive quantity items in a Reverse Logistics PO. The Consuming Partner creates the receipt via the SCMP user interface, or by uploading a Microsoft Excel file.
Receipt lines created in SCMP are in the New state. The receipt date should accurately reflect the actual date the goods were received.
Consuming Partners can only make receipt corrections through the user interface. Only the Quantity field can be changed, which automatically changes the receipt line state to Modified. Changing the Quantity to zero, automatically changes the receipt line state to Cancelled. Receipts cannot be created for shipment lines in the Receipt Complete state.

Receipt Details

Duplicate receipts will be rejected for upload based on the receipt uniqueness combination as below:

  • Consuming Partner MPID
  • Providing Partner MPID
  • Run Date
  • Run Time

SCMP sends any receipt to Boeing that has not already been sent, provided the line state is not equal to Cancelled. Receipts are sent once every hour and are sent only to Boeing once.

When a Receipt is created, SCMP moves the shipment to the Receipt Complete state only if the total received quantity is equal to or greater than the shipped quantity. Later, if the quantity received is modified or cancelled so the total received quantity becomes less than the total quantity shipped, the shipment is moved back to Sent state.

When a receipt from a Consuming Partner matches a shipment from a Providing Partner, and the receipt successfully passes to Boeing, the payment process is started.

Because receipt changes are not sent to Boeing, if you make changes to a receipt, you must notify your Boeing contact so they can make the appropriate adjustments in the payment process. The Consuming Partner must contact the Providing Partner and/or Boeing Company if the receipt quantity does not match the packing slip and shipment; i.e. only process the Exostar receipt transaction if the shipment and packing slip match the physical count.

Providing Partners have the ability to view and use the receipt information. When the Providing Partner views a New receipt, all the receipt lines automatically transition to the Viewed state. Providing Partners have the ability to add/delete (nullify) and update notes to receipts at the header level. This does not result in a state change of the receipt. This will not resend the receipt to Boeing.

Receipt State

Only when all receipt lines in a document are in the same state will the receipt header move to that state.

  • The receipt header moves to the Modified state when all receipt lines are in Modified state.
  • The receipt header moves to the Cancelled state when all receipt lines are in a Cancelled state.
NewN/AProviding PartnerN/AN/A
ModifiedN/AProviding Partner edits Supplier NotesN/AConsuming Partner Automatic, if Qty = 0

View Receipt

To view a receipt:
1. On the Navigation Tree, go to My Workspace.
2. Locate the Receipt Summary section (scroll to bottom).
3. For the desired Category or state of the receipt, click the Total number.

Receipt Summary

To view a receipt summary:
1. On the Navigation Tree, go to Order ManagementReceipts, Summary.
2. For the desired Status or state of the Receipt, click the Total number.
NOTE: Additional filters can be applied in the search boxes to limit the results.  

To search for a receipt:
1. On the Navigation Tree, go to Order ManagementReceiptsSearch.
2. Enter optional search criteria or Apply a pre-saved filter. Click the Search button.
3. From the Receipt List, click the Receipt Number you want to examine to access the Receipt Details page.

Update Receipt Quantity

These instructions are specific to Consuming Partners.

To update the receipt quantity:
1. On the Navigation Tree, click My Workspace, or Order ManagementReceiptReceipt Summary.
2. For the New or Viewed receipt category, click the Total number.
3. Click the Receipt Number checkbox to select what you want to modify.
4. Enter your new Receipt Quantity value. Click the Modify Qty button.

Create from Shipment Lines

To create a receipt from shipment lines:
1. On the Navigation Tree, go to Order Management → Receipts → Create Receipt from Shipment Lines.
2. At the Search Shipment Lines page, enter your search criteria. Click the Search button.
3. Click the Shipment Number checkboxes to select the desired items. Click the Next button.
NOTE: If the selected items have a different Ship To Address, you will get an error message, since you must select only items with the same Ship To Address.
4. Enter your Receipt Header data.
5. Enter your Receipt Line Items data. Scroll right as necessary to add more information.
6. Click the Create Receipt button.
NOTE: The Creation Status window displays. Click the receipt number link to return to the receipt.

Download Existing Receipts

To download existing receipts:
1. On the Navigation Tree, go to Upload/DownloadDownload Receipts to access the Search Shipments page.
2. Enter your search criteria or Apply a pre-saved filter. Click the Search to Download button.
3. Click Receipt Download to see the data with the default format, or click Receipt UI Export to see the data with a customized format. 
NOTE: You can set up and save your own download templates by clicking the Configure icon.
4. Optionally, enter Comments to reference your download. Click Next.
5. On the Inbox Status page, wait for the file status to be Completed. The screen refreshes every ten seconds, or click the Refresh icon to manually refresh. Click the File Name.
6. Select to Open or Save the file.
Updated on August 23, 2022
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