Boeing 787 SCMP Purchase Order States

BPO/PO States

StateUser Role Action
New ChangeBoeingEdited
ProcessingProviding PartnerViewed
Acknowledged with ExceptionsProviding PartnerViewed and Changed
AcceptedProviding PartnerApproved as is
RejectedProviding PartnerUnacceptable as is
CompletedProviding PartnerFinalized
Providing Partner

New Orders

  • Boeing user initiates a new order from their ERP-LN system by pressing Print.
  • Orders are automatically batch uploaded into SCMP every 10 minutes.
  • An order may contain multiple order lines.
  • When a new order is loaded into SCMP it is in the New state, with all order lines in the New state.
  • When the Providing Partner views or downloads the Order, the system automatically transitions the order to the Processing state.
Partner Actions
The Providing Partner can change a New or Processing Order to these states:
Accepted: Partner agrees to the complete request from the buyer.
Acknowledged with Exceptions: Partner responds with a counter proposal (for example, different promise quantity or date).
Completed: Partner shipped and completed the Order.
Rejected: Partner believes the request is invalid (for example, bad part number).
NOTE: If you do anything other than Accept the PO, please contact Boeing and discuss this before taking action.

Change Orders

  • Boeing can initiate change orders from their ERP-LN system after the original new order has been created and sent to SCMP.
  • When a purchase order change (POC) is loaded into SCMP, the order’s state is transitioned into New Change, with only lines that underwent a change in the New Change state.
  • When the Providing Partner views or downloads the order, the system automatically transitions the order to the Processing state.
Partner Actions
The Providing Partner can change a New Change or Processing Order to these states:
Accepted: Partner agrees to the complete request from the buyer.
Acknowledged with Exceptions: Partner responds with a counter proposal (for example, different promise quantity or date).
Completed: Partner has shipped and completed the Order.

The following state transitions are also permitted:
Acknowledged with Exceptions → Acknowledged with Exceptions, Accepted, or Completed.
Completed → Accepted.
Rejected → Acknowledged with Exceptions, or Accepted.

The transition into the Rejected state is not allowed once a change order has been published by the buyer. If you do anything other than Accept the PO, please contact Boeing and discuss this before taking action.

Completed Orders

Providing Partner completes the order when appropriate.

  • Only an AcceptedProcessing or Acknowledged with Exceptions PO can be moved to the Completed state.
  • Providing Partner is not able to create a shipment for an order line that is in the Completed state. 
  • There is no system-level requirement to complete an order.

Closed Orders

Order lines which have a final receipt posted in the Boeing ERP-LN system will be automatically uploaded to SCMP by 10:00 AM UTC daily.

  • Closed order lines automatically transition to a Closed state.
  • For orders marked as closed, no action is required by the supplier in SCMP.
  • A Providing Partner cannot create shipments for order lines in the Closed state. If you need to ship a closed order line, contact Boeing to request a PO change.

Cancelled Orders

Boeing has the option to cancel a Schedule Line by creating a POC and sending it to the Providing Partner via SCMP.

  • When a Schedule Line is cancelled, the Schedule Line is transitioned into the Cancelled state. If all the Schedule Lines in a PO are set to ‘Cancelled’, the PO Header is also set to the ‘Cancelled’ state.
  • If the POC Lines are designated as Full Replace, the application will assume that any POC Schedule Lines not included in the POC, under that POC Line Item, are cancelled and will modify the state for the Schedule(s) appropriately.
  • If the POC Line Items are not designated as “Full Replace”, SCMP will only update the Schedule Lines that have been sent.
  • Cancelling a PO Line Item prevents the Providing Partner from generating any new Shipments against that Line Item. There is no action required from the Providing Partner.
Updated on August 23, 2022
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