Boeing 787 SCMP Problem Summary

SCMP has pre-defined business rules associated to the data measures of a collaboration.
If the business rules are violated, SCMP generates an exception that will alert users of a potential problem. Exceptions are indicated on the My Workspace page and on the MCV page of the collaboration. The setting and color of the exception is from Boeing’s point of view:
– Low risk is blue
– Medium risk is orange
– High risk is red

Planning Schedule Exceptions

Exception NameTriggerComments
Missing Planning ScheduleWhen a Planning Schedule is publishedCompares collabs without any PIT data for PLANNING SCHEDULE QTY for which there exists a REMAINING BLANKET PO QTY > 0, from today through 12 weeks (84 days)

All problems are recorded as HIGH

Warns the Consuming Partner that a new PO was issued and they need to generate a Planning Schedule for the items
No Plan ResponseWhen a Planning Schedule is published
Evaluates collabs without any PIT data for PLANNING SCHEDULE RESPONSE QTY that satisfy ALL of the following conditions: There exists PLANNING SCHEDULE QTY data measure whose LAST MODIFIED DATE is three days old or older and No PLANNING SCHEDULE RESPONSE QTY PIT data exists between (today-14 days) to (today+84 days)

All problems are recorded as HIGH

Warns a Providing Partner that a new Planning Schedule exists and they need to provide a response
Plan Response MismatchWhen a Planning Schedule/PS Response is published or responded to
All collabs that have response data from today forward up to the ‘Response Limit Date’, or maximum PS/PSR date in the future are evaluated for mismatch

If not specified, the ‘Response Limit Date’ is based on the last ‘Planning Schedule Quantity’ that the Consuming Partner entered
– If Response > Schedule Qty, LOW Problem
– If Response < Schedule Qty, HIGH Problem

Warns Boeing and the Consuming Partner that there will be a part shortage

It is possible that even if the time buckets are showing the same numbers for Plan Schedule Qty and Plan Schedule Response Qty, if those numbers are associated with a different ‘Manufacturing Line Number‘, this exception will be triggered.
No Shipments for Plan ResponseWhen a PS response is published or a Shipment is created
Evaluates ‘Estimated Arrival’ date of “Sent” Shipments, matching the date to the ‘Planning Schedule Response’ date

Evaluated from (today-45 days) to (today+14 days)
Flagged as:
– HIGH (red) if PSR is within (today-45 days)
– Medium (orange) if PSR is within (today+7 days)
– Low (blue) if PSR is within (today+8 days) to (today+14 days)

Beyond 14 days, no exception will be flagged
No Available Shipments for Plan ResponseWhen a PS response is published or a Shipment is created
Evaluates “Estimated Arrival” date of “Sent” shipments, matching the date to ‘Planning Schedule Response’ date

Evaluated from (today to Response Limit Date or 84 days)

All problems are marked as HIGH
Schedule ChangeWhen a Planning Schedule is published
Evaluates if there is any Planning Schedule Quantity (date & quantity pair) that is different from the Planning Schedule Quantity Previous data measure

On the MCV page under Details > Collab Attribute, the Last Modified Date informs a user of how current the Planning Schedule is
This table reflects all user roles.

View Exceptions (Workspace)

To view Planning Schedule Exceptions via My Workspaces:

1. On the Navigation Tree, go to My Workspace.

2. In the Problem Summary window, to the right of the Problem Name category, click the Total number link.

View Exceptions (Summary)

1. On the Navigation Tree, go to Exceptions, Forecast.

2. Optional, enter your search criteria and click the Search button.

NOTE: The search fields are dependent upon your role.

3. Click the Problem Name – Count number link to view the items.

4. Select the checkboxes for the desired items. Click the View button.

NOTE: The data measures compared in the business rule display, and the exceptions are flagged.

Inventory Exceptions

Exception ConditionTriggerComments
Inventory Violation
When an Available Qty Inventory is published by the Consuming Partner
Compares to see if the Available Quantity is between the Minimum Quantity and Maximum Quantity
– Available Qty Inventory < Minimum Qty Inventory
– Displays high risk (red), if less than the minimum inventory

Available Qty Inventory > Maximum Qty Inventory
– Displays low risk (blue), if greater than the maximum inventory

Blocked Quantity is not taken into consideration for calculating exceptions
This table is for Boeing & Consuming Partner Roles Only.

View Exceptions

To view inventory Exceptions:

1. On the Navigation Tree, go to My Workspace or Exceptions, Forecast.

2. In the Problem Summary window, to the right of the Problem Name Category, click the Total number.

3. Select the checkboxes for the desired items. Click the View button.

Order Exceptions

Exception ConditionTriggerComments
Over-Shipped Blanket/Discrete POsEvery time a Blanket/Discrete PO Schedule is created or updatedAll Blanket/Discrete PO request schedules satisfy ALL of the following conditions:
– NOT in ‘Cancelled’ state
– Shipped Quantity > Modified Quantity
– Account Code=Boeing.Puget Sound.ERP LN-BCA

All problems are recorded as HIGH
Over-Shipped Reverse Logistics POsEvery time a RLPO Schedule is created or updatedAll Reverse Logistics PO request schedules satisfy ALL of the following conditions:
-NOT in ‘Cancelled’ state
– Shipped Quantity > Modified Quantity
– Account Code=Boeing.Puget Sound.ERP LN-BCA

All problems are recorded as HIGH
This table is for all user roles.

View Purchase Order Exceptions

To view purchase order exceptions:
1. On the Navigation Tree, go to My Workspace or Exceptions, Purchase Order.
2. In the Problem Summary window, to the right of the Problem Name Category, click the Total number.
3. In the list, click the Purchase Order number link.
4. On the Order Details page, scroll to the right and note the Original Qty or Modified Qty, and compare it to the Shipped Qty for the item.
5. Click the Shipment Info tab.
6. On the Shipment Info tab, all shipments against each PO schedule line are listed. 
7. Click on the Shipment Number link to open the shipment details in a new window.

Shipment Exceptions

Exception ConditionTriggerComments
Missing Receipt Shipment AlertGenerated every 12 hours at 3 o’clockIf no receipt exists for all standard (NOT RSMs) shipment lines that satisfy ALL of the following conditions:
– Shipment lines in Sent state
Estimated Arrival Date is beyond (today-5 days)
– Shipped Quantity > 0
– Delivered Quantity <= 0
– Delivery Date is NULL
– Ship To is NOT Equal to BOEING MPID
– For example: Let us assume today is May 30th. SCMP will get all shipments that were expected to be DELIVERED prior to May 25th that do not yet have a Receipt.
– No shipment line quantity and receipt quantity matching checks are made.

All problems are recorded as HIGH
This table is for all user roles.

View Shipment Exceptions

To view shipment exceptions:
1. On the Navigation Tree, go to My Workspace or ExceptionsShipment.
2. In the Problem Summary window, to the right of the Problem Name Category, click the Total number.
3. In the list, click the Shipment Number link.
4. Note the Shipped Quantity and the Estimated Arrival Date.
5. Click the Receipt List tab.
6. Note the message, No Receipt Line Item(s) found.
Updated on August 23, 2022
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