Boeing 787 SCMP Planning Schedules FAQs

The Planning Schedule on the MCV page displays 18 months’ worth of time buckets. Can I restrict my view to something less?
Yes, you can set user preferences for a range of days based on the current date. For details, see the user guides on the Training Resources page.
How are Planning Schedules versioned?
Standard planning schedules are versioned using the run date and time and will be associated at the site level attributes as the schedules are published at the Consuming Partner site level.
How do I know when the Planning Schedule was last changed?
If you are on the MCV page, choose Details, then Collab Attribute, and the display of the Last Modified Date is shown in the popup window. Alternatively, you can turn on the display of the Last Modified Date under My Profile, then User Preferences, so it shows up in a column on the MCV page.
If I use the ‘Rollover Selected Collabs’ button, what date range in the Planning Schedule is affected?
The entire date range, past, current, and future PITs.
Can a Buyer change a Planning Schedule from say 100 to 0, and expect an acknowledgment from the Supplier because it was a change?
Yes. A Buyer could send a 0 value and Suppliers have to respond with 0; otherwise, SCMP shows as a no response exception.
While the Planning Schedule only displays 18 months’ worth of time buckets, I am able to upload data further out than that. However, when I want to delete some of those future dates, the system will not seem to let me. How can I correct this?
In a file upload, 0 can be used to zero out information beyond the 18 month range.
Where can suppliers enter comments when they are responding to a Planning Schedule?
The supplier can click the Planning Schedule Response Qty data measure and enter the response quantity along with a comment in the Response Notes field.
I entered my Planning Schedule quantities in the MCV page across the time horizon, then I clicked the Planning Schedule Qty data measure to open the PIT Info window in order to enter the ‘Mfg Line #’, but the field is not editable. How do I enter the ‘Mfg Line #’ into the Planning Schedule?
The Mfg Line # can only be entered through a Planning Schedule upload or at the initial creation of the Planning Schedule Qty and date through the Planning Schedule Qty data measure. To correct the situation, the user must download the Planning Schedule and enter the Mfg Line # in the template, then process an upload; or Rollover the collabs and re-enter the Planning Schedule through the Planning Schedule Qty data measure.
Updated on June 16, 2023
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