Boeing 787 SCMP Planning Schedules Data Input

Input Data via Time Buckets

To input Planning Schedule data via time buckets:

1. Enter data into the appropriate time buckets. Click the Update button.

2.  Click the OK button.

Input Data via Data Measure

To input Planning Schedule data via Data Measure:

1. Click the Planning Schedule Qty data measure name.

2. In the Quantity column, enter the vales for the appropriate date buckets.

3. Optional, scroll over and enter a Receiver Reference Number.

4. Click the Submit button.

5. Click the OK button to acknowledge the changes.

PIT Info and Detail Page

  • Pit Date and Quantity for inputting values, click in the last row (blue) to add a row.
  • Information Columns for entering details, including Receiver Reference Number and Manufacturing Line Number.
    • Mfg. Line # can only be added to new PITs by using the Create button.
  • Data Existence Filter changes which field has data populated so it is on the list.
  • Reset returns values back to original, until the Submit button is clicked.
  • Submit for sending the response back to Boeing.
  • Delete removes the selected ID (row).

Copy PITs

This information in for Consuming Partners and Provider Partners ONLY.

To copy PITs:
1. On the left Navigation Tree, go to Supply PlanningCollaboration Filter or Search.
2. Enter your filter or search criteria. Click Search.
3. From the list of items that match your filter or search criteria, click the checkboxes to select those items.
4. Optionally, from the Go to pull down menu, choose Copy Pits.
NOTE: You can skip this step and go directly to the Multi-Collab View page to use the alternative Copy PITs tab as explained on the next page.
5. Click the View button.
6. If you skipped Step 4 and came directly to the MCV page, select the desired Collabs and click the Copy PITs tab.
7. Set the desired Start Date and End Date.
8. From the Source pull down menu, choose Planning Schedule Qty or other appropriate Data Measure you wish to copy.
9. In the Target list, click the Planning Schedule Response Qty or other appropriate Data Measure to which the data will be copied.
NOTE: Your options for Source and Target will be determined by your Role.
10. Click the checkbox next to Copy Attributes if you would also like to copy data measure attributes (e.g. Receiver Reference #, Mfg Line #).
11. Click the Copy button. Click the OK button.
12. Click either the Multi-Collab View tab or Collaboration Selector in the History Path.
NOTE: Your choice will depend on where you started the Copy PITs process.
13. If you did not return to the MCV page, change the Go to dropdown back to Multi-Collab View, and then click the View button.
NOTE: Notice for the specified date range, the data in the Source line was copied to the Target line.
Updated on August 23, 2022
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