Boeing 787 SCMP Planning Schedule Response

The Providing Partner is expected to respond to every planning schedule requirement up to the ‘Response Limit Date’ in the future. The Providing Partner provides their response:
– Manually via the SCMP UI in the MCV page.
– If manually entered, the Providing Partner should change the Schedule Status to Sent to let the Consuming Partner know it is complete by uploading an Excel spreadsheet.
– If the Providing Partner cannot meet the entire requirement for a specific time bucket, she/he can spread the response across multiple time buckets. The Providing Partner can add a comment to their response.


Planning Schedule Response EditsRecommended ProcessSteps
A few Points In Time (PITs)Manually via the SCMP UI MCV page- Time Buckets1. On the MCV page, enter the Planning Schedule Response Qty values for each specific date.

2. Click the Update button.
A few Points In Time (PITs)

Plus include a Response Note
Manually via the SCMP UI MCV page- Data Measure1. On the MCV page, click the Planning Schedule Response Qty data measure name to pop open the PIT Info window.

2. Enter the Quantity values for each specific date.

3. Enter the Response Note and/or Reason Code for each specific date.

4. Click the Update button.
A few to All Points In Time (PITs) where new PIT data will match existing dataManually via the SCMP UI MCV page- Copy PIT Function1. On the MCV page, select the desired Collabs and click the Copy PITs tab.

2. Set desired Start Date and End Date.

3. Select the appropriate Source and Target Data Measure from the pull down menu.

4. Click the Copy button.

5. Click the OK button.
Numerous Points In Time (PITs)
– Because the Planning Schedule is new or needs to be extensively changed
Download/Edit/Upload Excel spreadsheet1. Click Download Plan Schedules and follow the normal download process for all the items that you don’t already have a Planning Schedule Response and/or items whose Planning Schedule Response needs to be extensively changed.

2. Edit the downloaded file to reflect your new or changed Planning Schedule Response, including a Reason Code if applicable.

3. Click Upload Files and follow the normal upload process.

Response Input

This information is for Providing Partners ONLY. To input data via time buckets:

1 Enter data into the appropriate time buckets. Click the Update button.

2. Click the OK button to acknowledge the changes.

To input data via the Data Measures:

1. Click the Planning Schedule Response Qty data measure name.

2. In the Quantity column enter the vales for the appropriate date buckets.

3. Optional, add a Response Notes and/or Reason Code.

4. Click the Submit button. Click the OK button to acknowledge the changes.

Updated on August 23, 2022
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