Boeing 787 SCMP Multi Collab View (MCV) Page

SCMP organizes data via Collaborations or Collabs:
Dimensions: A Collaboration is described by a unique combination:  Customer + Site + Part Number (Customer & Supplier) + Supplier.
Attributes: Represents supporting data that relates to the Collaboration.
Collab Attributes are irrespective of time; for example, Buyer or Partner address data like Number, Street, City, etc. PIT Attributes can change depending on time; for example, delivered quantity, past due quantity, MRP requirements, etc.


  • Calendar and date range display controls.
  • Information common to all displayed Collaborations.
  • Data Measures are the categories of data that the system tracks.
  • Time Buckets: An individual cell is referred to as a Point In Time (PIT).
  • Tools (Export and Configuration)
  • Default five Collabs per page, but you can change settings to view up to 20 per page.

Data Measures

To manage data measures:

1  Select the hyperlinked data measure name to view additional details.

2. Select the View Collaboration Details icon to either view:

  • Collab Description: Customer + Site + Part Number (Customer / Supplier) + Supplier
  • Collab Attribute: Provides Collab Details and Attribute Details.

3. Turn on or off data measures using the icon directly next to Data Measures.

4. Move the Data Measures column by dragging right or left, using the arrow icon.

5. Scroll all the way to the right to view the Total of all the Data Measures for each collaboration.


To set a Collaboration filter:

1. On the Navigation Tree, go to Supply Planning, Collaboration Filter.

2. On the Filter Parameters page, start from the top and work your way down.

NOTE: Choices made for each item will affect the list of options for each item below. As you work your way down, the choices display in the Filter Builder.

3. Select the checkboxes for the line items you want to add to the filter. Click the Add button to add the selected line items to the Filter Builder.

NOTE: If there is only one item, it is automatically selected, so you can skip immediately to the next parameter.

4. Click the grey [>] arrow icon to the right of the next parameter down, then repeat the above steps until your Filter Builder is complete.

5. Click the Add All button to put an asterisk (*) or wildcard in the Filter.

NOTE: If more items are added in the future, the new items will be included. The Add All button automatically moves you to the next parameter.

6. When you complete all your selections, and the Filter Builder is complete, click the Next button to generate a list of Collabs that match your criteria.

NOTE: Before clicking Next, you may choose to save the filter you created. 

7. From the list of Collabs that match your filter criteria, select the checkboxes for the Collaborations you want to view. Click View.

Updated on August 23, 2022
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