Boeing 787 SCMP Manage Shipments

IMPORTANT! You are able to update/change any fields that were editable during the shipment creation process. Once you make desired changes, you can then resend the shipment to Boeing.

Direct Procurement Process

  • Direct shipments are created by Suppliers for shipments directly to Boeing locations (where the Ship-To MPID is Boeing’s MPID).
  • However, shipments received at Boeing’s receiving locations do not send a receipt document to SCMP; hence, the received shipment lines cannot be moved to the Receipt Complete state.
    • These shipment lines remain in the Sent state, displaying as if they are open to be received.
  • To alleviate this concern, direct shipments that satisfy any of the following conditions automatically move to the Archived state:
    • All direct-shipped shipment lines in the Sent state, and with an Estimated Arrival Date older than 60 days compared to the current date (today).
    • All shipments in Receipt Complete state, and with Last Modified Date (i.e. date when shipment was directly or indirectly modified) older than 60 days compared to current date (today).
    • All shipments in Cancelled state, with Last Modified Date (i.e. date when the shipment was directly or indirectly modified) older than 60 days compared to the current date (today).
  • Auto transition occurs once a week; every Saturday at 03:30 UTC.


Shipment StatusBoeingConsuming PartnerProviding Partner
SentVisibleVisibleSend Shipment button
Receipt CompleteVisibleCreate Receipt buttonVisible
CancelledVisibleVisibleCancel Shipment button
All shipment states are visible to all users.


IMPORTANT! You are able to update/change any fields that were editable during the shipment creation process. Once you make desired changes, you can then resend the shipment to Boeing.

  • Suppliers can create shipments via the user interface only for order lines in the state of ProcessingAccepted, or Acknowledged with Exceptions.
    • B2B or EDI/Flat File Suppliers cannot create a shipment for an order line that is in the CompletedRejected, or Cancelled state.
  • The Partner can use the same shipment to ship material for one or more orders and/or one or more order lines.
  • All line items within a shipment are required to have the same Ship To Site and identical address information.
    • PO lines with different Ship-To Address on a single PO require separate shipments. 
  • Fully received shipment line items are moved to Receipt Complete state upon Receipt creation.
  • In the Shipment Creation workflow, the list of purchase orders is sorted based on the earliest to the latest Requested Delivery Date by default.
    • The Schedule Date shown is pulled from the discrete/blanket PO, not from the planning schedule.
    • Select the PO based on the earliest on-dock delivery date.

Create Header

  • Actual Ship Date and Estimated Arrival Date are pre-filled to the current date and can be changed by the Providing Partner.
  • Shipping Days is available for the supplier to specify.
  • Estimated Arrival Date = Actual Ship Date + Shipping Days.
  • Estimated Arrival Date and Shipping Days can be changed independently; however, when one is changed, the other is automatically adjusted according to the formula above.
  • The Estimated Arrival Date cannot be earlier than the current date when the shipment is being created or updated.
  • Bill of Lading/Packing Slip Number is a mandatory field.
    • To improve payment, Boeing requests you enter the Packing Slip Number, not the Bill of Lading number.
  • Bill of Lading or Airway Bill should be entered in the Tracking Number field.
  • Total Packages is a mandatory field that must be 1 or greater.
    • This field determines how many labels to print.
    • For example, set Total Packages = 2 and create the shipment. Click the Print button and view the “Boeing 2-up Shipping Label”.
  • Carrier Company is a mandatory field.
    • Use the drop down list to select a carrier. For shipments to be picked up by Boeing, use Boeing Licensed Transportation.  
  • Purpose is also a drop down list that defaults to Original, but can be changed.

Header Abbreviations

Shipment Method:
Consignee is responsible for the payment of the cash on delivery…An indication that the consignee is responsible for the payment of the cash on delivery service charge.
Consignor is responsible for the payment of the cash on delivery…An indication that the consignor is responsible for the payment of the cash on delivery service charge.
Buyer’s private carriage picks up the goods as a return load to…Buyer’s private carriage picks up the goods as a return load to the buyer’s facility.
The freight is collect but has been paid by the shipper and will…The freight is collect but has been paid by the shipper and will be credited to that party.
Consignor is responsible for the payment of the insurance costs…An indication that the consignor is responsible for the payment of the insurance costs.
Consignee is responsible for the payment of the insurance costs…An indication that the consignee is responsible for the payment of the insurance costs.
Payment in advance of charges prior to delivery, usually by…Payment in advance of charges prior to delivery, usually by shipper at point of origin.
Seller of goods makes payment to carrier for freight charges…Seller of goods makes payment to carrier for freight charges prior to shipment.
The consignment is shipped on a service basis and there is no…The consignment is shipped on a service basis and there is no freight charge.
A third party is identified as responsible for payment of…A third party is identified as responsible for payment of shipping charges.
Customer is responsible for payment of pickup charges at…Customer is responsible for payment of pickup charges at shipping point.
The freight charge for returning the container is paid by…The freight charge for returning the container is paid by the supplier.
Charge Type:
The total for items other than those primarily reported upon…The total for items other than those primarily reported upon in the message.
Allowance is related to a line item. It can override a default…Allowance is related to a line item. It can override a default allowance.

Create Line Items

  • Shipped Quantity is a mandatory field on every line of the shipment.
  • Receiver Reference # is a mandatory field on every line of the shipment as a selectable list of values previously entered by the Consuming Partner into the planning schedule PIT data.
    • If no value is provided in the Planning Schedule Quantity or by the Integrated Partner, or if it is not a PMI item, then choose N/A.
      • For B2B or EDI/Flat File Suppliers, a blank field will show as N/A in the user interface.
  • Mfg Line # is an optional field.
    • 4000 character field comprised of 25 characters separated by commas.
  • Serial Number is an optional field.
    • 4000 character field comprised of 25 characters separated by commas.

Create Draft Shipments

At any time during the shipment creation process, you can select to save the shipment as a draft. Please note, if the shipment is not sent with 100 days, the draft shipment is removed from the system.

Shipment Cancellations

The Boeing Role, ERPLN_super_buyer_role is able to cancel a shipment from the Sent or Receipt Complete states. The complete shipment will be cancelled.

Once cancelled, shipments cannot be recovered back to the original state; hence this step should be performed with utmost caution.

For cancelled shipments, there is no validation on the shipment line items for the receipt quantity.

Updated on February 15, 2023
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