Boeing 787 SCMP Manage Purchase Orders

View Order

To view a purchase order:
1. On the left Navigation Tree, go to My Workspace or Order ManagementPurchase OrdersSummary.
2. In the Order Summary window, from the pull down menu, choose Blanket/Discrete PO (not Reverse Logistics PO).
3. For the desired Category of the PO, click the Total Number.
4. Click the Purchase Order Number to access the Details page.
NOTE: Scroll down in the top section to see the Boeing buyer’s contact info.
5. Optional and recommended, scroll to the right and click View under Line Level References to see your list of reference codes.
NOTE: Any item in the Order Line that is blue, rather than black, is a link.

Act on Order

This is for Providing Partners ONLY.

To act on a purchase order:
1. On the Navigation Tree, go to My Workspace or Order ManagementPurchase OrdersSummary.
2. In the Order Summary window, choose Blanket/Discrete PO (not Reverse Logistics PO) from the drop down menu.
3. To the right of New, New Change or Processing Category, click the Total Number.
4. Click the Purchase Order Number to access the Details page.
NOTE: Opening a New or New Change PO automatically changes it to a Processing state.
5. Click the Complete PO button when you ship and complete the PO.
6. Click the Accept PO button when you agree to the PO.
7. Click the Reject PO button when you do not accept the PO.
NOTE:  If you do anything other than Accept the PO, please contact Boeing and discuss this before taking action. The Acknowledge with Exceptions button is for capturing only the header level changes and is explained more below.
8. The Supplier Modify button is for capturing only the line level changes.
NOTE: There is no button for capturing both header level and line level changes.

Accept Multiple Orders

You can batch accept multiple orders at one time from the Order List page, using the Accept PO button provided that:

  • The list page has been accessed from a Search or Summary workflow.  Going to a list page from My Workspace will NOT display the batch accept feature.
  • All of the lines displayed on the list page must be in any state, except for NewNew ChangeAccepted, or Cancelled.

Acknowledge with Exceptions

Before you Acknowledge a PO with Exceptions, be sure to contact Boeing to explain why.

To acknowledge an order with exceptions:
In the Order Header:
1. Optional but recommended, in the header next to Supplier Message, click Create.
2. In the Notes window, provide a message regarding changes. Click the OK button.
3. Click the Acknowledge with Exceptions button to accept the PO with noted exceptions.

In the Order Line:
. Optional but recommended, in the line under Notes to Buyer, click Create.
2. Provide a message regarding changes. Click the OK button.
3. Scroll over and enter appropriate changes in the text entry boxes.
4. Click the checkboxes to select the changed Line IDs.
5. Click the Supplier Modify button to accept the PO with noted changes.


Before Rejecting a PO, be sure to contact Boeing to explain why.

To reject an order:
1. Optional but recommended, in the header next to Notes to Buyer, click Create.
2. In the Notes window, provide a message regarding why you are rejecting the order. Click the OK button.
3. Click the Reject PO button.

Complete Orders (Buyers)

Boeing has additional capability to complete orders:

  • Boeing can designate, within an Excel spreadsheet, orders that can be transitioned to a Completed state.
  • An Exostar Admin/Support personnel can upload the Excel file to implement the status updates.
  • The Excel file supports multiple orders at one time.
  • If the order lines are left entirely blank, the entire order moves to Complete.
  • If all lines are marked as Complete, the entire order moves to Complete.
  • If only some lines are marked Complete, only those lines get updated.

Restore Missing Action Buttons

By design, if any single line item is in a state that does not allow it to be acted upon, no line item action buttons display. To restore the buttons:

1. From the State drop-down menu, choose Processing.

2. Click the Filter button.

NOTE: Once the filter is applied, the action buttons display.


There are two ways to print: Full Print or Summary Print. Both buttons are available from relevant PO screen. Both allow you to open or save PDF files for review. Print from the File Menu or by clicking the print icon.

Updated on August 23, 2022
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