Boeing 787 SCMP MAG FAQs

This page provides MAG frequently asked questions as it relates to the 787 SCMP application.

What is the difference between Managed Access Gateway (MAG) and Boeing 787 SCMP?
MAG is used to manage user and organization contact information. It provides access to 787 SCMP and other Exostar applications. Password resets and administrator roles are managed in MAG, while 787 SCMP is used to manage your supply chain business processes. 787 SCMP stores your business data and also manages user roles at the business level, such as a shipper role. 
Why can’t I just use the Managed Access Gateway (MAG) account I already have?
Boeing 787 SCMP has to have a unique routing number for data inbound and outbound to Boeing.  Each MAG account can only support one routing number (or MPID) so access to 787 SCMP needs to separate in case the other account includes the Boeing Supply Chain Platform (BSCP) now or in the future. 
Updated on September 16, 2022
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