Boeing 787 SCMP Inventory Update

Boeing can establish minimum and maximum inventory threshold values. Minimum and maximum inventory threshold values are entered as data measures by Boeing users ONLY. Minimum and maximum inventory can either be entered in the SCMP user interface or uploaded via the standard Excel spreadsheet upload.

History of inventory levels are not stored in the SCMP application, but are available as part of the Information Manager reporting capability. Consuming Partners report the current inventory levels at each of their PMI Warehouse locations to provide Boeing with visibility to parts Boeing owns. Consuming Partners can publish into SCMP the Inventory Status for the current date only.

Inventory Status can either be entered in the SCMP user interface or uploaded via the standard Excel spreadsheet upload. Inventory Status Data Measures are:
Available Quantity: Quantity on-hand available for immediate issue.
Blocked Quantity: Quantity located at the Consuming Partner that is not available for immediate issue; e.g. awaiting quality inspection, non-conformance, grief, etc.
Inventory can be reported only for items for which a PO existed in the system as a PMI part for shipment to the Consuming Partner.

Inventory Status is for reference and Providing Partners are not expected to respond to the Inventory Status. Inventory uploads will not fail for inactive collabs.

View Inventory Status

To view inventory status:

1. From the menu, select Inventory > Search.

2. At the Search page, enter your search values. Click the Search button.

3. From the list of Collabs that match your search criteria, select the checkboxes for the collaborations you want to view. Click the View

Once the item is consumed into the sub-assembly within the build process, it is in the work in progress (WIP) state and should be taken out of the available/blocked inventory. Boeing does not want to see it as available if it is already incorporated into a sub-assembly.

Min./Max. Inventory Update (Boeing Users ONLY)

The Min Max Qty Date must be in the appropriate format. The required Min Max Qty must be equal to or greater than 0 (zero). This value must be fewer than 19 digits.Pay attention you are entering your minimum quantity in the MinimumQtyInventory data measure row, and your maximum quantity in the MaximumQtyInventory data measure row. To update Min/Max Inventory via Time Bucket:

1. Enter data into the appropriate time buckets. Click the Update button.

2. Click the OK button in the confirmation window.

To update Min/Max Inventory via Data Measure:

1. Click the data measure name on the MCV Page. The PIT Info screen displays.

2. Edit a value in the Quantity column, or click the last Date field to add a new date and quantity pair. When finished, click the Submit button.

3. Click OK in the confirmation window. 

PIT Information and Details Page

On the PIT Info screen:

  • Data Measure pull down menu to select a specific data measure for viewing.
  • Quantity for inputting values.
  • Refresh updates the information.
  • Reset returns values back to original, until the Update button is selected.
  • Create lets you create a new date bucket entry.
  • Delete removes the selected ID.

Copy PITs

This information in for Consuming Partners and Provider Partners ONLY. To copy PITs:

1. From the menu, select Supply PlanningSearch.

2. Enter your filter or search criteria. Click Search.

3. Place checkmarks next to the desired items. Select Copy Pits from the drop-down menu next to the View button.

4. Set the desired Start Date and End Date.

5. From the Source pull down menu, choose Planning Schedule Qty or other appropriate Data Measure you wish to copy.

6. In the Target list, click the Planning Schedule Response Qty or other appropriate Data Measure to which the data will be copied.

NOTE: Your options for Source and Target are determined by your role.

7. Click the checkbox next to Copy Attributes if you would also like to copy data measure attributes (e.g., Receiver Reference #, Mfg Line #).

8. Click the Copy button.

NOTE: A confirmation message displays.

9. Click the Collaboration Selector in the History Path.

NOTE: Your choice depends on where you started the Copy PITs process. 

10. If you did not return to the MCV page, change the Go to dropdown back to Multi-Collab View, and click the View button.

NOTE: Notice for the specified date range, the data in the Source line was copied to the Target line.

Inventory Update (Consuming Partners ONLY)

To update inventory via Time Bucket:

1. Enter data into the appropriate time bucket. Click the Update button.

2. Click the OK button to acknowledge your change.

To update inventory via Data Measure:

1. Click the data measure name.

2. In the Quantity column enter the value for the current date bucket. Click the Update button.

3. Click the OK button.

Update Data Offline

Edits to Inventory may be done using:

  • Your internal system
  • Microsoft Excel

Excel 2003 and prior worksheet is limited to 256 columns and 65,535 rows. 

Excel 2007 does not have these limitations.

Import limit at 500 records. Export limit at 1000 records. 

Only rows in EDIT identified data columns can be changed.

When you download inventory data, any date with no data, is not included in the download file.

  • For example: If there is inventory data for the 1st and 15th of the month, but no data for any other date, only two rows display in the downloaded file.
  • If there is no data for an item, you get one blank row.

To add or split data, do not insert a new row into the Excel spreadsheet; instead, copy and paste an existing row, then edit the appropriate data in the editable columns.

If you delete a row, the inventory value for that deleted date becomes empty ($null) in the inventory upon upload.

The hash/number/pound sign (#) as the first character in the first cell of a row, will comment out the entire row so the row will not load.

If you Copy and Paste a row, be sure Excel does not drop the leading zero of a field, going from 012345 to 12345, which could cause the upload to fail.

Warehouse ID must be less than 50 characters.

On-Hand Data

The required Qty on Hand Date can only be today, not a past or future date. The required On Hand Qty must be equal to or greater than 0 (zero). This value must be fewer than 19 digits.

Pay attention you are entering your available quantity in the AvailableQtyInventory data measure row, and your blocked quantity in the BlockedQtyInventory data measure row.

Data Correction

After you upload a file, you realize you misidentified the warehouse, so you change the file and upload it again; thus both the misidentified Warehouse ID and the correct Warehouse ID are shown and their quantities combined. To correct this:

1. Click the Available Quantity link.

2. Click the checkbox to select the misidentified Warehouse ID. Click the Delete button.

Updated on July 18, 2023
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