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Boeing 787 SCMP Inbox Status

The Inbox Status menu option provides a list of all system downloads and uploads.

Filter Results

To further filter the results listed:

1. Select Inbox Status from the menu.

2. Expand the Job Filter section. Enter desired criteria. Click Search.

Upload Status

The following statuses are possible for upload files:

  • Queued: The system is working on other files and will get to your file momentarily.
  • In Process: The system is still writing the data file. If the Queued or In Process status displays, the system automatically updates the status every ten seconds. You can also click the Refresh icon (R) to manually refresh.
  • Completed: The system is done writing the data file. If the Completed status displays, the file was successfully written on the server.
  • Completed with Errors: An error occurred in processing the data file. Click the hyperlinked status to view the errors and provide the option to download a file that explains the problems.
Updated on July 18, 2023
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