Boeing 787 SCMP General FAQs

Email Alerts

Is there a process to delete an item out of the system? If so, how?
Not via the User Interface. This is done via B2B or Spreadsheet uploads.
Will I get email alerts for items I can’t access?
No. Email alerts are driven off role permissibility. If a user has access to the collaboration and an event happens that generates an alert, they get an alert. Users do not get alerts for items they do not have access to. Furthermore, for several of the email alert types there is only one email sent for several different events when they fall within a certain time horizon.
How frequently are the email alerts sent; for example, “N” times/day/user/type of alert? Or are these email alerts sent every time the selected “event” occurs?
No. Email alerts are driven off role permissibility. If a user has access to the collaboration and an event happens that generates an alert, they get an alert. Users do not get alerts for items they do not have access to. Furthermore, for several of the email alert types there is only one email sent for several different events when they fall within a certain time horizon.
Can I subscribe for an email alert if a B2B transaction fails?

History FAQs

Is there a process to delete an item out of the system? If so, how?
Not via the User Interface. This is done via B2B or Spreadsheet uploads.
How long will the data be kept in SCMP?
SCMP keeps only the latest actual version and the previous version.
What is the difference between “Planning Schedule Qty-Previous” and “Planning Schedule Qty History”?
Planning Schedule Qty-Previous on the MCV page shows the Planning Schedule Qty that was in effect prior to the new Planning Schedule Qty being updated. Planning Schedule Qty History shows a record of what was changed, the old and new values, plus who made the change. If you see a change was made by broker_admin_user1, this means the change came from a server.

Search FAQs

For Search, can I use “not equal to”?
Yes, click the Advance Search icon next to the appropriate search field.
Can I share a Search Filter?
Yes, but only between people who have like Roles; e.g. Buyer to Buyer. Follow these steps:

1. From the Navigation menu, choose Multi-Collab Filter.

2. Step through the process of setting up the filter. Click Next.

3. In the header, click the bookmark link.

4.  Set Criteria = Filter Selections.

5.  Set Date Range = Relative Date Range.

6.  Click OK. Enter bookmark name and click OK.
When I personalize the system by setting a filter criteria to be a My Workspace default, what does this cover?
The filter applies to Collabs in the My Workspace Problem Summary sub-window as shown below, because these are only relevant to the Collabs:
– Exception – Missing Planning Schedule
– Exception – No Plan Response
– Exception – Plan Response Mismatch
– Exception – No Shipments for Plan Response
– Exception – No Available Shipments for Plan Response

Collabs are NOT required for a PO to be generated in SCMP. Applying a search filter on one area of the My Workspace page will not apply that same filter to other areas of the My Workspace page.
While searching for a specific PO, Shipment or Receipt, no results were returned. I know that the PO, Shipment or Receipt was in the system previously. Where did it go?
The system archives data based on predefined criteria. Once the data is archived, it cannot be viewed through the user interface. Instead, it may be viewed using one of the history reports created by Boeing.

Support FAQs

Where can I get support for SCMP?
Click the yellow Contact Support button in the bottom left corner of any SCMP screen. You can also use the help files under the Help link in the top right corner of any SCMP page, or refer to the Training Resources page of this site.
If users have specific system-related questions (for example, questions on the system back-end behavior and not user interface-related), whom should they contact?
They should first contact their Boeing Super User or their Business Process Owner, who will escalate it further.
How can a transaction be monitored as it flows to and from SCMP?
Super Users can access the Network Console which provides a complete overview of all transactions.
What happens if a transaction runs into error?
There is error monitoring by Exostar’s Customer Support.
What if some users have not received a User ID or password?
For missing User ID’s, users should contact Exostar’s Customer Support.

User Interface FAQs

What time zone is used?
The solution time-zone for all User Interface and system displays is UTC (Universal Time Coordinated), which replaced Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) on January 1, 1972. Here is a link that describes UTC:
Is there a user profile setting for time zone?
Updated on September 1, 2022
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