Boeing 787 SCMP Download/Upload Planning Schedule


1. On the Navigation Tree, go to Upload/Download, then Downloads.

2. Consuming Partners click Download Plan SchedulesProviding Partners click Download Plan Responses.

3. Click the desired Document Type radio button.

4. Optionally, enter a Comment to reference your download. Click the Next button.

5. Enter a date by clicking in a Date field, which provides a calendar. Click the Next button.

NOTE: If you use a date range less than the entire Planning Schedule horizon, when you upload your changes, Planning Schedule data outside your selected date range is purged.

6. Select the checkboxes for the desired items. Click the Add button.

7. Click the grey arrow icon for the next parameter down.

8. Repeat the steps above until the Filter Builder is complete.


    • If your filter is not specific enough, your download times out and fails after ten minutes.
    • Choices made for each Parameter affect the Parameter List of options for each item below it.
    • As you work your way down, the choices are displayed in the Filter Builder.

9. Click Add All to add an asterisk (*) or wildcard in the Filter Builder, so if more items are added in the future, the new items are included.

10. Once the Filter Builder is complete, click Next to access the download Status page.

NOTE: Because you do not get a preview of what is to be downloaded, we recommend you Save a Planning Schedule Filter prior to executing a download. Then, when you perform the download, Apply the saved filter to ensure you download exactly the right information.

11. At the Inbox Status page, click the Refresh icon until the Status is Completed.

12. Click the File Name.


When a new Planning Schedule is uploaded by the Consuming Partner, the existing Planning Schedule Qty data is rolled-over to become Planning Schedule Qty – Previous, and the new Planning Schedule data is published as the current Planning Schedule Qty data. If there is any PS Quantity (date & quantity pair) different from the PS Quantity Previous data measure, the Collab is marked with a Schedule Change.

  • All collabs in Schedule Change State are shown in the Problem Summary region in My Workspace.
  • Users are able to search on this Schedule Change attribute to list only the collabs with a Schedule Change.

To upload a planning schedule or planning schedule response:

1. Click Upload/Download, then Uploads to expand the Navigation Tree.

2. Click the Upload File(s) option.

3. Consuming Partners click the appropriate Planning Schedule Upload radio button, while Providing Partners click the appropriate Planning Schedule Response Upload radio button.

4. Click Choose File. Navigate to and select the file you want to upload. Click Next to display the Inbox Status screen.

Upload Status

Queued: The system is working on other files and will get to your file momentarily.

In Process: The system is still writing the data file. If the Queued or In Process status displays, the system automatically updates the status every ten seconds.  You can also click the Refresh icon (R) to manually refresh. 

Completed: The system is done writing the data file. If the Completed status displays, the file was successfully written on the server. If the Completed with Errors status displays (S) with an exclamation point icon, an error occurred in processing the data file. In that case, click the icon to view the error file that explains the problem.

Updated on August 23, 2022
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