Boeing 787 SCMP Download Orders

Download Process

1. On the Navigation Tree, go to Upload/DownloadDownload Orders or Download Orders (Supplier) to access the Search Purchase Orders page.

2. From the type pull down menu, choose Blanket/Discrete PO or Reverse Logistics PO.

3. Enter your search criteria or Apply a pre-saved filter. Click the Search to Download button.

4. Click Blanket/Discrete Order Download to see data with the default format, or click Blanket/Discrete UI Export to see data with a customized format. 

NOTE:  You can set up and save your own download templates by clicking the Configure icon.

5. Optionally, enter Comments to reference your download. Click the Next button.

Status Column

  • Queued: The system is working on other files and will get to your file momentarily.
  • In Process: The system is still writing the data file.
    • If the Queued or In Process status displays, the system automatically updates the status every ten seconds.  You can also click the Refresh icon (R) to manually refresh. 
  • Completed: The system is done writing the data file.
    • If the Completed status displays, the file was successfully written on the server.
    • If the Completed with Errors status displays (S) with an exclamation point icon, an error occurred in processing the data file. In that case, click the icon to view the error file that explains the problem.
Updated on August 23, 2022
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