Blue Origin Sourcing

What is Sourcing?

Blue Origin uses Exostar’s Managed Access Gateway (MAG) for hosting and managing partner access to the Sourcing application. The eRFx functionality allows the creation of a tendering/sourcing/procurement which consists of steps to form a complete project.  The project can contain several events or sourcing stages. 

Common Terms
RFI = Request for Information
RFP = Request for Proposal
RFQ = Request for Quotation
EoL = Expression of Interest

User Guides

To learn how to perform an action below, click on the hyperlink guide name to view step-by-step instructions.

Guide NameGuide Description
Create TenderProvides instructions on how to create tenders and questionnaires.
Mini TendersProvides instructions on how to create and view mini tenders.
Evaluating eAuction and TenderProvides instructions on how to monitor and evaluate tenders.
Create New SupplierProvides instructions on how to create and include suppliers to your tender.
Event WizardProvides instructions on the five stages for creating events.
Monitor eAuctionsProvides instructions on how to monitor eAuctions.
Award eAuction or TenderProvides instructions on how to award eRFx’s, eAuction’s and create Best and Final Offer (BAFO).
Respond to Tenders and Participate in eAuctionsProvides instructions on how to respond to tenders and respond to eAuctions.
Quick QuotesProvides instructions on how to create and monitor Quick Quotes.
Updated on March 19, 2024
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